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Problem with POI on Linux

Hello, everyone!I have encountered such a problem with metadata extraction: poi library extracts metadata from office files as unreadable symbols.In some files I have metadata written in English. It is extracted correctly. However, when metadata (for...

orybak by Champ in-the-making
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To create static web pages - webforms/xsd needed?

Hi,I need to manage the static contents(30 pages) of an existing website.That means i need to create 30 webforms with 30 xsd files?so that it will deliver 30 xml files and in jsp i need to grab the details for display?pls clarify..Thanks,Guhan N

guhann by Champ in-the-making
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error in upgrading from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0dev

Hello,I've read the upgrade document.I did the following steps: - stop alfresco 1.2.1 - unpack alfresco-tomcat-1.3.0dev.tar.gz in a clean /opt/alfresco - copy ./alf_data from 1.2.1 to the fresh /opt/alfresco - run the migration schema script# mysql a...

Localhost:8080 shows the Tomcat interface....

Instead of the Alfresco interface that I thought it would? This is after I installed the ECM and WCM clients, made the necessary changes to run on MySQL server, then firing up the Alfresco server, then the Virtual server. Then I go to my browser and ...

Project Spaces?

Sur le Wiki anglophone, on trouve un page décrivant les "Espaces de projet":'un sait si c'est accessible depuis la 2.9?

WebProject with Tiles and Spring WebFlow

Hi,We have developed a web project which uses Tiles and Spring WebFlow, when i run it in the tomcat as a separate application, it works good with out any problems, but when "bulk import" the war into Alfresco WCM, i am unable to preview the site. It ...

Custom SpaceUsersBean

Hi,I´m trying to customize SpaceUsersBean, and I create a class that overwrite the method removeOK(). I create a new bean called CustomSpaceUsersBean in faces-config-custom.xml . Now, I don´t know to do for use this bean in my webclient. Can an...

jjhinojosa by Champ in-the-making
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Expression that evaluates to a group

I am looking for sample code that creates a group "on the fly" instead of a fixed one. Specifically I would like to add users in a transition, my initial attempt below (which did not work). Can anyone give me some advice on how to correct this? (sguw...

use of alfresco/wcservice instead of alfresco/service

i'm trying to create a new file under the company home space. I want this to be done with admin authentication but it's not important this to be admin, it can be a user, too. But i faced with a problem:Web Script Status 405 - Method Not AllowedMessag...

gguner by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco examples and demo

Hi All,I am new to Alfresco.Please send me Step by step basis simple examples and demo in Alfresco.Please help me .Thanks in advance.Ism

ismail_mca by Champ in-the-making
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