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Forum Posts

Having trouble understanding some stuff from the WSF

<c:set var="query" value="/canteen_menu:canteen_menu[canteen_menu:channel='${channel}']"/>               <c:if test="${empty postfix}">        <c:set var="postfix" value=".html"/>     </c:if>   <div>     <c:forEach items="${cl:getContentList(pageCont...

benjim by Champ in-the-making
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Schedules job error

Hi,I'm testing a schedules job that was developed with 2.1 community version on the enterprise 2.1.1.I think that the problem is caused by not beeing able to find the script file. The structure of the community version is exported and imported in the...

suleyman by Champ in-the-making
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Deleting an existing version of a content........

Hi everyone,By default no content are versioned in Alfresco. To version a document, versioning has to be explicitly enabled.  But after enabling the version property is it possible to delete a particular version of the content from the Version tab?Is...

spillai by Champ in-the-making
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problème upload du fichier alfresco.war avec tomcat5.5

bonjourje viens d'installer  alfresco et tomcat5.5 sur mon OS(UBUNTU)mon problème c'est que j'arrive pas a effectué l'upload du fichier alfresco.war dans la section manager du tomcatrq: apres seletion du fichier et click sur "deploy" dans le manager ...

Problems with .msg files from Outlook 2003

Greetings all,It seems we are facing some problems with the way Alfresco is handling emails of .msg type saved with Outlook 2003. The email is uploaded fine but if we try to hit the preview button in order to show the email on the preview window Alfr...

savah by Champ in-the-making
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Remove a shortcut

Hi all,I have created a shortcut to a space. It appears in Shelf.Where can I find an action to remove it?Thanks

gdinfo by Champ in-the-making
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anyone have success try ApacheDS with Alfresco?have the tutorial to share? :twisted:

fthamura by Champ in-the-making
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Indexing of PDF files and EMail messages

Hi,I have installed alfresco community 2.1 and have been playing with it fora few days. Apparently in my installations the bodies of PDF files and those of EMail-Messages (as exported from MS Outlook in the form of .msg-files) does not work.I can upl...

marian by Champ in-the-making
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JLAN: How to configure FTP access to FileSystem & Repo

Hi,I should like to configure Alfresco in order to use the FTP access:1. Like a normal way (access the Alfresco core repository)2. Like a normal FTP server: Access to the Server's FileSystemThe benefit ? Use the same users, groups, …I suppose I will ...

clincks by Champ in-the-making
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Search custom attributes.

I was able to configure a custom aspect with several properties.  I added this aspect to a incoming rule on some spaces and everything works fine.  The properties appear ready to be filled in. The reason I added these properties is so users can searc...

invantix by Champ in-the-making
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