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Forum Posts

How to mount CIFS Share locally?

Hi all,I want to mount my Alfresco CIFS Share locally and create backups of that share.I am able to access the CIFS Share from other machines in my subnet but not withinthe server itself.When I try to mount the share manually I get an error:<strong>a...

freskos by Champ in-the-making
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Opção 'Mover Para' no perfil Colaborador

Pessoal, Estou usando o Alfresco Community 5.2 e observei que ele não tem muitas opções de configuração. Por padrão, o perfil COLABORADOR não veio com a opção "Mover para…" . Pergunta: - Como faço para incluir essa opção nas características desse per...

Configuração do CIFS

Olá a todos, preciso configurar o CIFS no alfresco para poder mapea-lo como unidade de rede.Alguém pode fazer um tutorial rápido de como fazer o CIFS funcionar?Sei que preciso editar o, mas não sei exatamente o que escrever...

Como integrar o Alfrescom com um esquema de Floresta LDAP

E ai pessoal,Gostaria de um auxílio para configurar a integração LDAP com o Alfresco, eu encontrei diversos documentos explicando esta integração, no entanto, usando um esquema de floresta simples, mas meu caso estou enfrentando problemas pois eu ten...

juliohenc by Champ in-the-making
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incredible security hole with scheduler

When running script actions launched by alfresco scheduler, I got the following behaviour (5.0.d or 5.1.e):- scheduler run as 'System' or 'admin' (same results), executes js script stored in repo folder 'Scheduled Actions'- this script create/move/de...

AAAR installed, I followed this steps

Hi All, Thanks to "Francesco " for his support, after repeated try I was able to install AAAR. I am going to write down the steps which I followed, so that new comers for Pentaho or BI area gets help from this thread.———-I have installed CE edition o...

bisana by Champ on-the-rise
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Hiding the ability to invite Groups

Hello gents,I'm working on an implementation of Alfresco for my business. I've been digging around, but I can't seem to find how to do this. I would like to remove the ability to allow users to invite groups to a site and only allow individual users ...

docrock by Champ in-the-making
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'No Process Deployed with the Key Exception for Oracle'

Hello All,Its a strange behavior i am facing while using Activiti with Oracle.Activiti Version : : 10gI executed the Activiti tables script which came along with the activiti war when i downloaded in Oracle.I have attached my standalone...

chandanmb1 by Champ on-the-rise
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Change Filename and Type with bulkimport tool

Hi folks, I have been using bulkimport tools for quite sometimes, now there are necessity to change the existing file with new one that have different name and type.e.g. picture.jpg need to change to testing.pdf.I try to form the xml like below, file...

silenr0c by Champ in-the-making
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