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How to progress advanced workflow in javascript?

I´m starting with: var space = companyhome.childByNamePath("Teste/Docs Teste");   var date = new Date();   var file = space.createFile("Teste1("+date.getMilliseconds()+").sdf");  var workflow = actions.create("start-workflow");    workflow.paramet...

raarm by Champ in-the-making
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Node type not available through BrowseBean?

Hello-I cannot seem to access a node's "type" property through the BrowseBean in a JSP through a richList.  That is:<hutputText id="col10-nodeinfo" value="#{NavigationBean.currentNode.type}" />correctly shows a node's type, but:<hutputText id="col10-...

OK button disabled when setting Action Values

Hi, I am new to Alfresco and trying to evaluate it for my organization but I've hit a roadblock in setting a simple workflow that's been driving me crazy. Here's how it goes:1. I select All Items and Set Values and Add under Step 1. I clicked Next.2....

keith by Champ in-the-making
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Ajout d'un droit 'Stranger'?

Bonjour à tous,Je cherche à limiter l'accès à un espace personnel.J'ai donc créé un droit supplémentaire "Stranger". Et je n'ai donné àce droit aucune permission. De la manière suivante:<permissionGroup name="Stranger" allowFullControl="false" expose...

Approve and reject as a part of a workflow

Hi,I'm trying to deploy a workflow, in some part of it, it needs to have a Approve/Reject workflow. this workflow will be automatically started when a content upload, then a notification will be sent to a specified user, this user should read the con...

fbehfar by Champ on-the-rise
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WEB Service

Bonjour,Je souhaite récupérer le contenu des espaces Via WS en XML que je passe par un XSLT pour avoir un affichage adéquat du contenu de l'espace (espace avec image dossier, icone adéquate pour le fichier) dans l'application cliente des Web Service....

tegyat by Champ in-the-making
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Can Alfresco use CAS?

We use CAS for authentication.  It would be nice to be able to have CAS for authentication, instead of having to create all separate user ids.  Can this be done?  Ken

klitwak by Champ in-the-making
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BrowseBean returns one mixed list of containers and contents

Helas, you won't find here the solution.I would like to show a mixed list of search results. My user don't want to make a distinct list for spaces and contents in the search results. He should get one list of items, sorted by their path, and typed as...

gilles by Champ in-the-making
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Migrating XML content

Hi,In the website i am creating (using alfrescos  wcm) i have created a number of xsd web forms that capture various content typesrofileadvice pageetc.When viewing the content produced from completing one of these forms (which are saved as xml conten...

gidion by Champ in-the-making
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Nouvelle erreur apparu??

Bonjour, ma version de test fonctionnais depuis quelque jours et puis plus rien??Je pense que cela est du a un lancement d'alfresco logger sous root…j'ai supprimer alf_data et recree ma base mais une erreur persiste.Lorsque j'execute " sto...

benoit by Champ in-the-making
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