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general JSF question (table with checkbox)

I am trying to modify one of the pages so that the table within it will have a checkbox and a link in every row.I've built the table, and everything seems to work fine besides one thing - i can't get the checkbox to be selected via the java code… :ar...

friedman30 by Champ in-the-making
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Erreur office 2003 addins 2.1.0

Bonjour,Pour travailler avec un Alfresco 2.1 & WCM en test j'ai téléchargé et installé aujourd'hui sur un Office 2003 SP3 les addins Office 2003. J'ai paramétré l'addin dans Word lors du 1er lancement comme ceci :     http://nomduserveur:8080/alfresc...

elric by Champ in-the-making
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Description cm:... , bpm:... , etc.

Bonjour,Je cherche un endroit où je pourrai trouver toute les descriptions desvariables utilisée dans les workflows d'Alfresco.Par exemple:bpm:startTaskbpm:assigneebpm:workflowTaskcm:username...Quand je parle de description j'entends par là: comment ...

How to remove Tenant?

I have installed Alfresco 2.9.0B and have created a tenant. Now I want to remove it. How does I do that? I can't find any information on how to remove a tenant?// SteveB

steveb by Champ in-the-making
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Masquer un espace Corbeille

Bonjour,Dans Alfresco j'ai plusieurs groupes : Responsable, Consultant , Documentaliste.Pour éviter les erreurs de suppressions, J'ai créé une action "Mettre à la corbeille" qui déplace les documents vers un espace Corbeille J'ai limité l'accès à l'a...

jclandron by Champ in-the-making
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Determine which sandbox is previewed

Hi,I've created a very simple webapp which is doing a lookup of the ROOT node of a web project on the staging sandbox using the AVMRemote. The name of the sandbox and path are now hardcoded…How can I created a more dynamic lookup? How can I for insta...

leviter by Champ in-the-making
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HELP... Alfresco wont start...

Hi, Im a newbie to alfresco and want to try it out for our project.I cant manage to start the server and here are the infor in the log file. 10:05:12,718 WARN  [org.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiRegistryFactoryBean] Could not detect RMI registry - ...

drgnhurt by Champ in-the-making
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Opal Linux / Contribuer ?

Bonjour,le projet  Opal apparaît bien sympathique.Toutefois le fait qu'il ne -semble- ne fonctionner que sur windows est un frein. J'aimerais pouvoir contribuer. Comment le faire ?CordialementYann

nnay by Champ in-the-making
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contentstore.deleted is not cleared

Hello,Though if have seen a couple of post about deleted content items, for me the exact functioning of trashing items and clearing the disk later is not entirely clear.1) After trashing an item by a user2) The administrator deletes the files in the ...

toltech by Champ in-the-making
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created != modified for newly created objects?

I want to check whether an object has been changed since its creation. When I create a cm:cmobject with the mandatory cm:auditable aspect, cm:created and cm:modified differ with a few milliseconds. I currently check for a difference of 1 second (<#if...

hu2hugo by Champ in-the-making
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