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Forum Posts

Property labels in advanced search are not set

Hello community,i've configured the advanced search:- added a property from a custom content type- added some properties from custom aspects<!– Configuring advanced search –><config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Advanced Search">   <advanced-...

roman by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco + LDAP +eDirectory

I'm trying to configure Alfresco to authenticate via our eDirectory server.  I copied the ldap-authentication-context.xml.sample to /WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/extension and made the changes shown below:<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><!DOCTYPE b...

linuxos77 by Champ in-the-making
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Global Search

Hey there, I setup two web forms so that I can produce two types of content: pages and articles, they have distinct formats, but share some common properties, like title, author and body.I am able to retrieve the results using this ftl:<#list results...

jlmarques by Champ in-the-making
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import a lot of files

Hi,We are testing alfresco to store scanned images. To import them into the repository, we generate an ACP file and import it into a folder. If the ACP file contains more than 7000 files, we have a few problems:1- some of the files are imported but l...

mliwski by Champ in-the-making
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Problème CIFS

Bonjour,J'ai installé alfresco-community-tomcat-2.1.0 sous windows XP.J'ai un problème d'accès au serveur CIFS.J'ai modifié mon fichier file-servers.xml de la sorte :<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="CIFS Server" replace="true">     <serv...

milona by Champ in-the-making
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indexation des document et chagement de leur extetion en bin

bonjour,je suis entrain de travaillé avec alfresco pour modifier la méthode d'ajout des documents selon la norme dublin core(en editant un fichier XML avec le fichier à ajouté).Mes premiers pas doivent etre tourner autour de la methode d'indexation  ...

Accessing a deleted node

Hi,I am interested in accessing a node that might have been previously deleted, without restoring it. Does anyone know how I could do it ? I'd just like to access its properties, but when the following instruction executes: nodeService.getProperties(...

dcram by Champ in-the-making
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J'essaie sans succès de configurer Alfresco pour...

Bonjour,J'essaie sans succès de configurer Alfresco pour fonctionner avec Active directory, mais je bloque :Le domaine s'appelle tanyu.localLe contexte alfresco est :Windows XP SP2Java 1.5Mysql 5Openoffice 2.2J'ai modifié mon fichier ldap-authenticat...

wlud by Champ in-the-making
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probleme ntlm

bonjour, je voudrais excuter un webscript a partir de java en faisantString path = alfresco + "createExprBesoin?cod=" + EB.getIdentifiantEB() + "&ver="+ EB.getVersionEB() + "&ticket=" + request.getSession().getAttribute("ticket");URL url = new URL(pa...

manu80 by Champ in-the-making
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Permission for admin

Is it possible to disallow access to some folder for technical Alfresco admin?For example: we have some financial information space (agreements, salaries etc) - we want disallow access to that 1 folder for technical administrator.

wit by Champ in-the-making
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