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NTLM authentication does not work

Hi,I can't get NT Authentication with Alfresco Community Version to work.javascript:emoticon('')SadAuthentication type is NTLM.Please help. thanks.

systy by Champ in-the-making
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View details .jsp

Which jsp is used to show the properties, when clicking on the 'view Details' menu?Thanks

gilles by Champ in-the-making
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Applying custom views through config

Using ftls to create custom views for spaces has worked great for us, but are a bit stuck in how to apply these custom views to certian spaces for ALL users using config, not clicking through the UI.Can this be done in the custom web config?PS: Sorry...

protenus by Champ in-the-making
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Comment accéder à une variable définie dans le modèle?

Bonjour,J'ai créé une variable dans mon modèle de la manière suivante:<type name="scwf:submitReviewTask">   <parent>bpm:startTask</parent>   <properties>     <property name="scwf:chefGroup">     <type>d:text</type>     <default>GROUP_Service GRH</de

Attribution dynamique des swimlanes?

Bonjour,J'ai bien avancé dans la programmation de workflows avancés et je trouve la chosetrès intéressante.Cependant je me pose tout de même une question sur l'attribution des swimlanes:Est-il possible d'allouer dynamiquement un acteur à un swimlane?...

bug : icônes 'Actions' disparues ponctuellement

Bonjour,J'ai un problèmes critique. De manière aléatoire, dans mon interface web, les icônes actions qui sont censées apparaître, n'apparaissent pas.Exemple Je me connecte à l'interface web en tant qu'admin> Je ne vois pas parfois toutes les icônes ...

maurice by Champ in-the-making
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Current space and OpenSearch

Alfresco,I created a webscript that search through the repository and added it in the OpenSearch component in the left sidebar. This works but I would like to restrict the search scope to the "current space". If the user is in the Data Dictionary it ...

simon by Champ in-the-making
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Virtualization server via firewall

Hi,I'm trying to get virtualisation to work behind a firewall.The setup is with both alfresco tomcat and virtulization server on the same machine (debian) with internal ip virtualization server has been configured in alfresco-virts...

loftux by Star Contributor
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Ticketid issue

Hi, I'm facing a (horrible) random problem using alfresco-community-tomcat-2.1.0.Here is my scenario:- a user performs a login, with username 'userX' from his pc whit ip: ipX.- another user performs a login, with username 'userX' from another pc whit...

hanoi by Champ in-the-making
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[RESOLU] PDC Samba et alfresco SMB

Bonjour,Après mon installation d'Alfresco j'ai une erreur avec mon contrôleur de domaine samba.13:03:40,866 ERROR [smb.protocol.netbios] NetBIOSNameServer setup Address already in use        at

xarkam by Champ in-the-making
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