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Forum Posts

how updating mime-type via webservice

Hi,I have importing into my Alfresco repository a lot of documents using Alfresco webservice API but i haven't set the mime-type. (It's text/plain by default)It's a mistake and in fact, now, i want setting mime-type via webservice to existing Alfresc...

jurevert by Champ in-the-making
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Looking for SOAP examples

Hi all! I'm using the webservice client to communicate with alfresco without problems, but I would like to study the SOAP messages that I sent to the server to explain them in some courses I'm teaching.Any program to fetch the messages or a website t...

fergunet by Champ in-the-making
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Failed to resolve aspect

Bonjour à tous, Je viens solliciter votre aide de nouveau car j'ai un problème que je n'arrive pas à régler. Il s'agit d'une cohabitation d'un aspect et d'un workflow dans mon alfresco. L'un sans l'autre marche mais les deux en meme temps me provoque...

st by Champ in-the-making
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Hello fellows,I just recognized the function describe() in the RepositoryService. What can I use it for? I found out that (although "describe" sounds like a writing process) it gives me some more details of the predicate's aspects and associations. E...

tim-erwin by Champ in-the-making
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Sécurité d'Alfresco 2.1 lorqu'il est aussi utilisé en Extran

Alfresco 2.1 Community—————————Nous avons installé Alfresco 2.1 sur un serveur IBM x3550 destiné à la gestion de notre documentation.Il est utilisé par les salariés en local.Nous souhaitons l'utiliser depuis l'extérieur, pour nos clients/partenaires....

maurice by Champ in-the-making
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Executing SimpleExample

Hi,I have a problem with SDK 1.4, when I execute the it appears to me the following ERROR:Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Error registering bean with name 'dataSource' defi...

rcortesr by Star Contributor
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Source WSF view components available?

Hi,I've made a Spring-based website which should get imported into a Alfresco Webproject.However, most of the functions listed in the view components directory of the wsf sample website such as crumbtrail, sitemap, treeview etc. are very handy for th...

Custom Workflow Amp file

Hi,I have succesfully add a custom workflow to alfresco. But now i want to add the same workflow using a amp file. The structure of the amp file is as follow:/–>/config——>/alfresco———–>/module—————>/myModuleId——————->/content———————–>bootstrap-conten...

cgonzalez by Champ on-the-rise
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OCR + Alfresco

Bonjour,Voila mon problème meta physique.J'ai tout le necessaire pour numériser un document, le convertir en PDF et le déposer dans alfresco. J'ai aussi une interface a qui me permet de saisie en amont les meta donnée.Maintenant je réalise un OCR de ...

hlander10 by Champ in-the-making
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