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Forum Posts

how to create rules via web services

I have two problems - 1)  when i create a rule to send email by using a composite rule, i get a premature end of file error on the saveRules method call. i saw another thread about this - has this/will this be resolved?2) when i try to just make a 'n...

gabehb by Champ in-the-making
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Create rule for a simple workflow

HiI want to use Alfresco Action Web Service to create a simple workflow.The steps I perform in GUI on the Alfresco Client portlet are:- Go to  My Alfresco > My folder(space)- Choose More Actions > Manage Content Rules- Choose Create Rule   1- Select ...

samar by Champ in-the-making
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Ajout d'un nouveau wizard

Bonjour,J'essaye d'ajouter une action au menu browse_create_menu l'action create_space_wizard_lala.voici le web-client-config-custom.xmlDéclaration de l'action :  <config>        <action id="create_space_wizard_lala">            <permissions>        ...

milona by Champ in-the-making
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TinyMCE and paragraphs

Hi all,I have observed that the setting force_p_newlines = true and force_br_newlines =truesolve my problem with this editor. But I don'r know where to put this configuration settings to take efect.I am trying update web-client-config-wcm.xml        ...

mvlach by Champ in-the-making
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Need help in using Launch and expire date

I have uploaded a web application to Alfresco web project and deployed to tomcat/webapps of production server.My doubt here:While submitting contents for deployment I saw "Launch Date" and "Expire Date" for contents. My query is that I want to make c...

joeu by Champ in-the-making
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Howto make Property sheet render HTML

Hello,I have a property with some html code inside.Is it possible to make the view page rendering correctly the html metadata only by configuring a xml file?If no, what to do?I tried to make that from my generator (generateAndAdd method) ublic UIComp...

ruffp by Champ in-the-making
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Feature to edit a property marked as multiple

Hello,I search in this forum but found no answer.Is there an out-of-the box feature to be able to edit a multiple property (a specific metadata in our custom model)?If no, can we change the rendering of the list and add an edition icon which put the ...

ruffp by Champ in-the-making
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Portuguese, Portugal (pt_PT)

Hi,I'm evaluating at the moment the translation of ALFRESCO to Portuguese, Portugal. I'll need to get the time for this, but soon as possible I'll start this translation. In the intervening time, Iwill go find out what the needs for this work . If so...

Editing web forms in 2.9B

Hi all,I've been using web forms in Alfresco 2.1, where the forms are defined in the Web Forms space in the data dictionary. Playing around with 2.9, I see that there is now a 'Forms' space in the Data Dictionary for ECM forms, and web forms seem to ...

Cannot edit HTML content in WYSIWIG editor

Hi,I'm trialling the Alfresco community edition 2.1 + WCM and I have a problem when editing html content for a Web Project. I can create the content in the WSYWIG editor fine. However, when I try to edit it by clicking on the edit icon next to it, I ...

tvars by Champ in-the-making
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