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Forum Posts

Can't FTP to Alfresco from outside network

Hi everyone!I really really need your help. This may seem a dumb network question but please someone help me!Alfresco is running in Windows XP SP2. Alfresco is behind a router and we are using a private IP for it. For public access, I just forward th...

isabel by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco not started :(

HelloWe have install all needed, but when go to http://myip:8080/alfresco we get a Tomcat error:————————type Status reportmessage /alfresco/description The requested resource (/alfresco/) is not available.————————we have make as tell here http://wiki...

webstyler by Champ in-the-making
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Restricting visibility of a contant type for groups

Hi everybody, I am using Alfresco enterprise 2.1.I have created a set of content types, and I would like to associate this types to my user groups. I did not find any way to do this, I would like my users to manage (i.e, create new contents or folder...

lvs by Champ in-the-making
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Flex3 Corelib JSON issues

I am testing webscripts (JSON) on Alfresco Community 2.1I downloaded the ascorelib3 corelib90 (containing JSON funcionality) from and configured it for Flexbuilder 3. Howeverfor some reason this corelib doesn't se...

alexr by Champ in-the-making
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[Résolu]Connexions en https

Bonjour,Par défaut, Alfresco utilise le port 8080. Est-il possible de le configurer pour qu'il prenne en charge le port https (443) ?Merci!

vivi by Champ in-the-making
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workflow aspect variable becoming undefined [SOLVED]

Hi All,I'm trying to change aspect properties within a workflow.  I can populate them in java and kickoff the workflow, I can then see the values in the javascript, change change them.  Unfortunately outside of the specific workflow task the value fo...

Espace de Stockage

Config : Alfresco Community 2.1 - Linux—Bonjour,Nous sommes en train de migrer le fond documentaire de près de 50GO sur notre serveur IBM x3550 de 300GO (pour Alfresco), plusieurs questions :1- Si on souhaite copier notre base documentaire, via un di...

maurice by Champ in-the-making
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Moving forward in a workflow automatically in Java. [SOLVED]

Hi All,I have a post which relates to starting a job in a workflow assigned to a pool of people,  I have not had any luck with this so I'm trying a different technique, i.e. adding an extra step in the...

Are there 2 different source code versions (public&private)?

Dear all, I know maybe this is not the place to ask this question, but i don't know where it should be.I have some doubts related to the 2 different versions of Alfresco and the svn source code.Is alfresco community 2.9 builded from the source code i...

duxtinto by Champ in-the-making
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