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Forum Posts

Problems using Alfresco 2.9 on Ubuntu VPS!! Please help

I have been trying to install the very latest Alfresco 2.9 on an VPS Server with Ubuntu Linux 7.10 and 128 MB of garanteed RAMusing getting a time-out when connecting to http://alfres...

rscheele by Champ in-the-making
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New content alerts

Is there any defined way to alert users when any (or specific types of) new content has been added to the repository?

mattousai by Champ in-the-making
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New Matadato and Rules ?¿

Hi, I have added a new metadata in the "content wizard" called "Pais Origen". I show it, in the next screenchot:[img][/img]I select the correct metadata, looking in the categories (languages, regio...

ajs by Champ in-the-making
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How to migrate samba to alfresco?

Hi!We have linux (ubuntu), with lot of users, ext3 filesystem and samba shareing.All user access their data through samba.Now we want migrate to alfresco.I have installed new alfresco on other server and it's working.How can we simply migrate all use...

hkusulja by Champ in-the-making
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What mean 'residual' in node browser

Hi,i did my own type, i complete some properties with my own code.When i look created node in node browser i see that some properties have residual=true and "property type" is empty because "value type" is fill instead.Something is wrong or all is no...

ribz33 by Champ on-the-rise
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How to hide Data Dictionary space from everyone except admin

Hi Kevin and Alfresco colleagues,I have the following question:If a user explores the Company Home space, I want him/her toonly see the spaces he/she has access to.The Data Dictionary space is not a space I want everybody to browsethrough.The default...

alexr by Champ in-the-making
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creating new wizard

HelloI am pretty new to alfresco development, i am now trying to develop a new kind of space wizard, in this wizard i want to skip a couple of steps from the spacewizard, i was just wondering, what is the best way to go about it, i wanted to skip ste...

califa198 by Champ in-the-making
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[Résolu]Alfresco et Ubuntu Server, prob CIFS & OpenOffice

Bonjour,J'essaie de faire fonctionner alfresco avec ubuntu server.J'ai suivis la procédure d'installation d'alfresco comme indiqué ici:'ai un soucis avec le CIFS qui ne se lance pas. Vo...

vivi by Champ in-the-making
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Comment obtenir le nom du serveur CIFS en FTL

Bonjour,J'ai besoin d'obtenir de manière générique le nom du serveur CIFS dans un modèle d'espace FTL, et non pas hardCodé car j'ai un serveur de test et un serveur de production.Existe-t-il un moyen pour obtenir ce nom?Merci d'avanceMichel.

michel by Champ in-the-making
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Starting a workflow in a pool (Java) [SOLVED]

Hi All,Below is part of some code I'm generating to start a workflow task in Java.  The problem I'm having is starting the task in a pool, rather than a user.  If anyone can let me know how to do this that would be great.I've tried several things inc...