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Forum Posts

[Résolu] Webscripts upload

Re-bonjour, je suis toujours dans les webscripts et je commence à en voir le bout. Je teste le webscript du wiki anglophone pour l'upload.Il utilise un objet formdata et ceci pose problème car voici le message qui me revient : Web Script Status 500 -...

cbast by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco & Ingres bundle - WCM?

My background knowledge:Alfresco = 4 hoursIngres = 18 yearsJust installed the Ingres/Alfresco bundle (Ingres 2006 Release 3 & Alfresco 2.1 on a Fedora Core 8.0.1 VMware) and other than the documented shared memory problem, managed to get the applicat...

auvergne by Champ in-the-making
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Problem with sidebar customization

Hello!  I am trying to customise the Alfresco's sidebar in order to show every element one under an other, instead of having to choose between the elements "navigation", "panel" and "opensearch".So I tried to modify the Java class "UISideBar" which ...

jhoueix by Champ in-the-making
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Manual content versioning

Firstly, let me congratulate the team on such excellent work… Our company is currently looking for a document management too and so far this is the best I have seen yet.The question I have is this:When versioning is enabled, each new version which is...

nivlacnz by Champ in-the-making
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Find a folder

Hello, i'm trying to find a folder in the repository witn web services and i don't get it, i need get this folder to look for files that contains some words using lucene, please i need help.Thanks

diglesias by Champ in-the-making
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Deleting or checkin/checkout of a specific version of a doc

Can you please tell me how to delete a version of a document and howto checkout/checkin content to a specific version of a document in the Alfresco webclient.We are currently using Alfresco Community ECM version 2.1As far as I can see under version h...

alexr by Champ in-the-making
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Comment Parser un fichier XML via FTL

Bonjour, Je souhaiterai parser des fichier XML via un fichier FTL. j'ai trouvé une doc (, reste que c par un script Java que le fichier XML est parsé?  Y'a-t-il un exemple de comment parser un fichier xml via freemarke...

zaoueche by Champ in-the-making
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Erreur sur redémarrage.

Bonjour, je suis en train de tester alfresco et nuxeo pour une démo. Ce matin, j'ai installé et paramétré alfresco sans probleme. j'ai ensuite arreté alfresco avec alf_stop. J'ai ensuite testé nuxéo. Cet après midi, je veux revenir sur alfresco, je l...

f_allemand by Champ in-the-making
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Problème: Customisation de la sidebar

Bonjour à tous!  Je souhaite customiser la sidebar d'Alfresco afin qu'au lieu d'afficher soit le navigateur, soit le panneau latéral, soit opensearch, elle affiche les trois éléments à la suite l'un en dessous de l'autre.Pour cela j'ai donc essayé d...

jhoueix by Champ in-the-making
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Guide to right Direction

Hi Guys,I am a newbie here and would like to try to Alfresco for our small company with 25 to 30 users . At the moment our filing system is dogs breakfast. i have downloaded alfresco , jdk-1_5_0_15-nb-6_0_1-windows-ml  and mysql-5.0.51a-win32.Now cou...

zllauh by Champ in-the-making
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