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Forum Posts

Gestion de droits

bonjour a tous,existe il un tuto ou quleque chose du genre sur la gestion de droit dans alfresco?Dans le cadre de mon archi, il faut que je crée mes propres groups utilistaeur avec des droits assez différents de ceux proposés de base et j'aimerai ne ...

tbou_1389 by Champ in-the-making
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CIFS Server not available

Hi, i allready installed Alfresco 1.4 Community Tomcat bundle on Windows Server 2003. Now i can't mapping alfresco as network drive. I think the cifs server is not available.At the start of alfresco i get the following command:01:06:33,043 ERROR [smb...


I am trying to figure out this record management and found something about creating a spacetemplate based on a fileplan. But i can find no file plan, can someone explain to me where to find this and maybe give me more documentation about record manag...

johan1974 by Champ in-the-making
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How to copy a set of nodes into another destination node

Hi all.The usual question for today about WS….I want to copy at once a set of nodes (instead of a single node) into a destination node. I tried the following codeReference ref = new Reference();ref.setStore(STORE);ref.setPath("/app:company_home/cm:Co...

sergio by Champ in-the-making
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Web site with static content--best method?

Hi everyone,I'm using Alfresco to manage static website content (JPGs, SWFs) so that I can also search the content via Alfresco's engine to return certain sets of files that meet search criteria.  As part of my application, I need to publish the stat...

rodenbaugh by Champ in-the-making
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Want to write a webclient with Alfresco at the backend

Hi,I am doing a prototype to create a website to allow users to upload files which will trigger some workflow.The site will do the following1) A login page will allow registered users to login.The page will also allow unregistered users to register.2...

awkhan by Champ in-the-making
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session flushed; stale data delivered shortly thereafter

Hi, I need some help please.I'm finding that after a transaction commits, I have to wait some 5 seconds before the new data is available to a second transaction.I'd like to understand why this is happening, and whether there is anything I can do to e...

jharrop by Champ in-the-making
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Implementing 'Modify properties' when I open space

I would like to have that "Modify properties" button when I open space (so I don't have to go to View Properties screen.)I added this to my browse.jsp:<a:actionLink id="editProps" value="#{msg.modify}" showLink="false" image="/images/icons/edit_prope...

msvoren by Champ in-the-making
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Export des 'Firmen Arbeitsbereichs'

Hallo,seit ein paar Tagen bin ich begeisterter "Alfresco-Nutzer" unter WindowsXP SP2 mit MySQL. Bisher läuft auch alles wunderbar und ich bin fast ein wenig erstaunt darüber, dass ich erst jetzt auf Alfresco aufmerksam wurde.  Wie auch immer….…. zwei...

vst100 by Champ in-the-making
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Simply Email Configuration in 2.9

Hi allI have been using and testing the 2.9C version for some time, and until now I did not test the simple email option ( sending emails everytime a space is changed or an user is invited to an space). To tell you the truth I have never needed to us...

jlabuelo by Champ on-the-rise
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