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probleme de visualisation de site web

Bonjour tout le monde,j'arrive pas à visualiser le site web,voici l'eurreur qui s'affiche dans la page web:ERRORThe requested URL could not be retrieved——————————————————————————–While trying to retrieve the URL: http://alfrescowww.www--sandbox.127-0...

ozibtissam by Champ in-the-making
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Publish to MediaWiki

Hey gang – running Community 2.1.0 war install on Centos 5 – does anyone know where i can get thorough documentation on how to get Alfresco to publish to MediaWiki – any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

wfischer75 by Champ in-the-making
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Content rule copy to file system (outside repositiry)

I had and auditor here and they asked if our files would be available if the alfresco server goes down.  I am currenlty experiencing issues with the CIFS share dissapearing.  We operate 24 hours as we are manufacturing.  I have visions of me getting ...

invantix by Champ in-the-making
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Démarrage Alfresco très très long.

Bonjour à tous,j'ai installé alfresco community 2.1 sur un poste Vista édition familiale prémium. J'utilise la version avec Tomcat embarqué. J'ai installé open office 2.4 et configuré Alfresco pour qu'il utilise la base de données mysql.Mon problème ...

mat by Champ in-the-making
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latest nightly build fails

10:07:52,968 ERROR [org.alfresco.repo.domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] Statement execution failed:   SQL:  DELETE FROM alf_node_aspects na USING alf_node_aspects na JOIN t_dup_aspects t ON (t.node_id = na.node_id AND t.qname_id = na.qname_id)   Error: ...

tonytony by Champ in-the-making
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alfresco+jboss as+jboss portal need a solution

i make posts other place but no one replyI think it is not a big problem for expert, however, i am so new in this fieldalfresco 2.1.0jboss-portal-2.6.1.GA with Jboss server AS 4.2.1i have read the topis below, but i wonder if it works for 2.1.0http:/...

nijiworld by Champ in-the-making
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Default no-login screen for a public space

I am trying to implement alfresco to support the internal publishing of policies and procedures. I have created a space to hold these, but I would like to make that space publicly available (i.e. no login required). At the same time, I need to suppor...

freibo by Champ in-the-making
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Personal Content

Hi, I must implement a personal content for document, like dublincore but with also 2 or 3 field (for example city, number, responsible)How i can do it?Second question:I want to create an user that isn't admininstator but he've free access (read and ...

zed by Champ in-the-making
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Assign individual users to content programatically

Hi,I am developing a workflow for a company and I came across a problem. I have to assign(invite users to content) individual users to a content in one step of my workflow. Is there a way to do something like that?For example: (this is totally wrong ...

motion11 by Champ in-the-making
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exemples d'utlisation WCM

Bonjour tout le monde,je viens d'installée alfresco dans ma machine et je veux quelques exemples d'utlisation WCM ou bien un portail .merci bcp pour votre aide.

ozibtissam by Champ in-the-making
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