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Forum Posts

Scheduled action : templateActionModelFactory not defined

Hello,i'm trying to instantiate the bean templateActionModelFactory in order to test the scheduled simple Example of Afresco Wiki but an error occured : "no bean named "templateActionModelFactory"  is defined . Maybe has it an other ref in v2.1 ? Hav...

thibaut by Champ in-the-making
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wcm-metadata extension breaks 'Create Web Content' wizard

Hello,I installed the wcm-metadata.amp ( to my copy of Alfresco 2.9B and it seems to have caused the "Create Web Content" wizard to break. Here's the exception I'm getting:javax.faces.el.PropertyNotFou...

Issues when a doc transformed to PDF

We are having issues when Word doc files or Excel xls files are converted to PDF.  1. All images are created with a border around them.  2. What prints as one page in word ends up with a few lines on a second page when converted to PDF.Is there a way...

invantix by Champ in-the-making
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CIFS configuration

Hi everyone!It's me again. I have a problem configuring CIFS. When I try to connect to Alfresco by going to Start > run > \\fbm-alfresco_A, a box would pop-up that would ask for my username and password. When I enter my alfresco username and password...

isabel by Champ in-the-making
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Hi, how to extends Alfresco programming in Java?I read some tutorials step by step, but isn't clear how do it?

zed by Champ in-the-making
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Using Javascript to render JSON: an important gotchas

Here's the brief: in development of my web scripts, using FreeMarker to output JSON is proving something of an impediment.Bearing in mind that JavaScript comes with it's own 'Obect.toSource()' method - I thought to use the existing code formatter alr...

Regarding installing 2 alfrescos

Hi All,Can we install alfresco on 2 different servers and establish a connection between them.Like when we upload data on 1 server,can we update it on the other server.Finally can we establish a communication between 2 servers

Help for my production/implementation scenario

Hi all,I have a special need, I read through the documentation and I am just not sure how to approach the problem.I have a existing dynamic web site  (Linux, JSP/Struts/Oracle installed in Sun AS 9)1.) I want to implement a blog and a news section th...

lucbard by Champ in-the-making
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Deleted Data Dictionary

Hello All,I've been using Alfresco Community 2.1 for a while now and it is working great.  It's running on an Ubuntu server and there have been no problems until today. I've been training someone to take over the administration of the server to free ...

bhonermann by Champ in-the-making
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Lucene date syntax

Alfresco,I'm looking for the correct way to retrieve documents modified between day A and day B. This will be a Lucene search but the syntax is confusing. How should the search be formatted? On the wiki it says that the date is ignored (but it needs ...

simon by Champ in-the-making
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