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Forum Posts

How do I implement filename validation?

Hi!Does anyone know how to implement content filename validation rules? For example I would like every filename in a specific space to match a certain regular expresion. If the file being added is not valid the user should be prompted to change the n...

kalkus by Champ in-the-making
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Problem Installing on Debian with MySQL

If you want to skip my ranting, jump ahead to the line I have not given upI am disappointed with Alfresco so far.I had planned to recommend the purchase of the Enterprise version to upper management but wanted to test out the community version first ...

[Résolu] Traduire la bulle d'info

Bonjour,Je cherche à traduire la petite bulle d'informations présente dans la version 2.x d'Alfresco qui apparait lorsque l'on clique sur le petit "i" présent à côté de chaque document et espace. J'ai déjà cherché pas mal dans les sources d'Alfresco ...

Developer website with alfresco

Hi,i want to create a website in alfresco for manage the content and publish the articles.Now i have see the wiki : i have installed websitetools.amp, wint th module manage tool.But when i restart t...

dteca by Champ in-the-making
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[tip] How I create modules

Hi all,I guess that some could be interested in a easy way to create a basic AMP project. I have written a small howto which may be of some help: hope this could help…

cbosdonnat by Champ in-the-making
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Once again: Installation on Ubuntu 7 *or* 8

Dear forum,is there anybody out there who can explain alffresco's installation on either Ubuntu 7 or 8?I tried the wiki way for 2.1 Community. No success. I retried 25 times and reread the article 100+ times, even the french thread (thanx i've some f...

strophi by Champ in-the-making
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Download for File System Receiver 2.2?

Hi all,I'm trying to install the File System Receiver (for WCM 2.2, Linux), but can't seem to find a download for it anywhere. I can find a download for the 2.1.0 community version, but not 2.2 enterprise. Could someone point me at the right web page...

Impersonate in webservice

Hi,I already use the impersonate concept in some Alfresco development using the following :// get current connexion ticketString myCurrentTicket = authenticationService.getCurrentTicket();// set user for the next operations AuthenticationUtil.setCurr...

lascaux by Champ on-the-rise
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