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Forum Posts

Lire les mails à travers alfresco

Salut à tous ;je voudrais savoir s'il est possible de lire ses mails à travers alfresco. si cela est possible il faudrait me montrer la procedure. En faite j'aimerais aussi avoir un Adding Microsoft Office version francaise .merci pour votre soutein;

patronat by Champ in-the-making
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how to map the image in html file

hi friends I am new to alfresco and i am facing some difficulty in it that is.I have used xsd and xsl to create a webform. I have captured data using the web form, which gave me an HTML and an xml output. While capturing data in the webform i selecte...

How to capture the document access count.

How can we capture the  count of number of times an artifact uploaded has been accessed.Please let me know, as in the  system there is no physical location where the document is getting stored up.

vvm by Champ in-the-making
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Custom Aspect JSP Access?

Hello,I have a custom aspect with a constraint declared on it. When I access this property via the Edit Properties page, it shows up as a drop down box with list of values declared in the constraint along with an add button next to it. Click the add ...

howejr77 by Champ in-the-making
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Database Config Parameter Access

Hello,I'm trying to pull the data to populate a custom constraint from the database. I've got an example working from other posts in the forum but the primary example has all the parameters to access the database hard coded in the constraint class. T...

howejr77 by Champ in-the-making
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Installation Afresco Community 2.1 sur Ubuntu Server 8.04

This tutorial is based on Joost Horward's installation method for Ubuntu 7.10 Install required packagesThe MySQL database server: apt-get install mysql-server‍OpenOffice for document ...

vivi by Champ in-the-making
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Records Management fails to import Records Space

I've tried to install the Records management module on various builds of Alfresco (most recently the last nightly build of v2.2 from the end of October) with limited success:  the Test Data Records Space is never imported or bootstrapped.I've had thi...

sacco by Champ in-the-making
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Linking documents to each other

Hello everybody,I am currently evaluating Alfresco for a potential implementation as main DMS in our company. After some startup problems I finally got it up and running on a test server and it seems to be quite capable of what we expect it to do. St...

grizzly by Champ in-the-making
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Email notification did not work !!!

Hi All.i'm newbie in alfresco. i have already installed alfresco 2.9B in : linux Centos 10g databaseopenoffice 2.4it is running, and no bug . however, the Email has error .When i create new space in alfresco and invite user into this space...

chtquoc by Champ in-the-making
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