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Forum Posts

Graphic overview of the overall architecture?

Hi,Is there a picture/graphic available of the overall architecture? I am trying to understand how the system is designed, but am having a hard time doing so.I am quite new to Alfresco and an overview of where the core is located, how it connects to ...

leviter by Champ in-the-making
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Customize Web Client (Permission and Exception)

Hi,I made my own permission with a new content model. Each type of my model will be be visible according to the permission in the Web Client. Then I made new policy, but i've got 3 problems in my web client :1-Is it possible to hide the possibility t...

mhilaire by Champ in-the-making
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NodeName Issues

Hi,Inside alfresco repository, I created following structure: My Alfresco > Research Docs> 2How to refer to Node "2" using XPATH Query;Programatically, I tried to refer it using:      String location = "/app:company_home/app:user_homes/sys:singhr/cm:...

singhr by Champ in-the-making
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Deleted Company Home

Hello All,I have a big trouble, and i hope anybody can help me.An admin user in my company deleted the whole Company Home accidentally, and now the alfresco can not start because :"No root found for device: root path: /app:company_home"Unfortunately ...

blackjack by Champ in-the-making
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dumb question

hi everyone, i'm new here and trying to find my way around alfresco, let me start by appologising if this is not the right place to make this question, but i've been trying to understand how Alfresco works and came arround a sample code that doesn't ...

ptstudent by Champ in-the-making
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Kein HTML Output

Derzeit bin ich damit beschäftigt, Alfresco WCM zu evaluieren, damit wir unser derzeitiges CMS abstellen können. Ich versuchte ein einfaches XSD mittels Freemarker zu HTML Code zu parsenFolgenden Wiki-Eintrag hab ich als Grundlage hergekommen: http:/...

jtom by Champ in-the-making
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search in alfresco

Can u pls let us know why the search in alfresco does not work for common words like the , a, an and all….Pls let me know…..

vvm by Champ in-the-making
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Web project development and WCM

Hi,It is often mentioned that with Alfresco you should use your favorite IDE as usual when. How ever, could someone share their experience on how they have set up tools like IDE (Netbeans, Eclipse, JBuilder etc.) or Ant/Maven to work together with WC...

jukka by Champ in-the-making
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[Résolu] déplacement de la BD

bonjour;j'ai dû effectuer un déplacement de ma base de données Mysql à cause d'un problème d'espace disque.J'ai donc arrêter alfresco, effectuer un dump de la base de données, désinstaller Mysql et le réinstaller sur un disque différent.Je n'ai pas t...

nyakooza by Champ in-the-making
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