What is the Linux Install file at sourceforge?
Sourceforge has a file for 2.9.0B labeled as AlfrescoCommunity-2.9.0B-Linux-x86-Install There is no extension and its listed as other binary fileWhats this for?
Sourceforge has a file for 2.9.0B labeled as AlfrescoCommunity-2.9.0B-Linux-x86-Install There is no extension and its listed as other binary fileWhats this for?
Hi,I want to store my files on separate machine (File Server). There will a firewall between application server and file server. I want to access file server using SSH protocol.How its possible.Thanks in advance.-Andy
I am evaluating the Alfresco Community Edition Virtual Machine (VMware)Setup guidance was provided here: http://www.vmware.com/appliances/directory/325Guidance includes setting up JAVA on the VM:"Java: To get around redistribution limitations, you wi...
Hello,I tried to push around 200 OpenOffice document (.odt) to a folder which contains an Action.The transfer was quite long, and at the end I found 8 files with a size of 0 staying at the original folder (normal behaviour is: the action moves the fi...
HiI'am trying to install the French language Pack on an Alfresco 2.9.0B under an JBoss 4.2.2.I got the wiki page "Language Pack Installation" but no directories matchI haven't <JBoss home>/server/default/conf/alfresconeither web-client-config-custom....
Bonjour,J'essaie d'installer Alfresco en suivant la procédure indiquée ici: http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Installing_Alfresco_on_Ubuntu_7.10L'installation a très bien fonctionnée avec la version ubuntu server 7.10. En revanche avec la nouvelle versio...
Hi,I'm trying to install Alfresco 2.9.0B to Windows Server 2003 R2 with SQL Server 2005 - but failed miserably.Here's the log - anyone can help me point out where I got wrong?Also, I've got IIS running - i did try stop it just in case it fails becaus...
Hi, I would like to create a category and add a node under this category. Is this possible using Alfresco API? Plz provide a code snippet.Thanking you in advance,Debi.
In the LoginBean class we have this.username to get the logged in user.I want to know the GROUP of the logged in user in that class.Is there any api to get the Groupname…Plz reply …Do you want more clarification.
I'm using Alfresco 2.0 (alfresco-community-war-2.0.0.tar.gz) on Red Hat Linux with JRE 1.5.0_11, Tomcat 5.5.23, MySQL 5.0.24, and AD as the LDAP server. I have chaining authentication configured and after changing the bean id in chaining-authenticati...
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