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Forum Posts

How to check which config-files are used

Dear all,I used the wiki to create extensions in <TOMCAT>/shared/classes/alfresco/extensionIn my case that is /usr/local/apache-tomcat6.0/shared/classes/alfresco/extensionI changed some settings, but after restarting tomcat, the changes are ineffecti...

prijke by Champ in-the-making
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Node does not exist error with deleted web form

I deleted a web form being used in a website by mistake. I recreated the web form from scratch. The new web form works as expected, but whenever I go to edit a page created by the former web form, I get an error:Node does not exist: workspace://Space...

aadhikari by Champ on-the-rise
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How to integrate Alfresco with OLE components?

Hi,We are planning to integrate Alfresco repository with our Windows application exposing its functionality through COM interface.How it is possible to call ActiveX components from Alfresco JavaScript and from Alfresco Web Scripts?Can it be done dire...

High Volume Files - Alfresco Issues

Hi People,I've been testing the Alfresco repository with high volumes of files/folders. I've been trying to upload 3GB folders and I get a handful of errors from the Application Server Console. I'll list herein some of them:- org.alfresco.service.cmr...

ediez by Champ in-the-making
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How do deploy two alfresco war within same tomcat instance?

How do deploy two alfresco war within same tomcat instance?I am able to run two tomcate instance within same machine and it work butnowI want to deploy two alfreco war within same tomcat , one is alfresco and second is alfresco1so that i can use it b...

skorde by Champ in-the-making
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How are Working Copies meant to work?

From what I can see, when a document is checked out, and a working copy is created in the same space, Alfresco does not behave in the way that I'd expect. This is on Alfresco 2.2 Enterprise.Consider the following situation:A space is in Alfresco, whi...

NTLM authentication and upgrade woes.

I managed after a lot of headscratching to get the 1.4 preview to have LDAP synchronization to a Active Directory server, NTLM authentication for the web client and top the whole thing with getting the NTLM passthrough to work for the CIFS server. Wh...

gaspode by Champ in-the-making
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Modification du web client (permission et exception)

Bonjour,J'ai redéfinis des permission personnalisées, ainsi qu'un nouveau modèle qui ne sera visible dans le webclient qu'en fonction de la permission.Puis pour chaque type de mon modèle j'ai créé une nouvelle policy, et cela m'a posé 3 problèmes pré...

mhilaire by Champ in-the-making
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