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Forum Posts

Creating webproject using the Webservices API

Hi,I'm pretty new to Alfresco. I need to integrate Alfresco into my application. One of the use cases is to create a new web project in Alfresco for each of my clients. Can I do this using the web services API. I know this is being done by the web cl...

avik_chat by Champ in-the-making
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LDAP Integration

Hi,Can some one please provide me with the steps that is required for doing integration of LDAP with Alfresco. I am using Microsoft Office (2003) and our company is exchange server based.Please assist with the steps and the files where i need to make...

riagarwal by Champ in-the-making
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Intégration Alfresco: Windows AD, Typo3, CIFS,Webdav

Bonjour,Je suis entrain d'installer Alfresco pour une structure qui utilise Active Directory sous WS2003.Je suis débutant et j'ai besoin de conseils.1) Je voudrais importer automatiquement les utilisateurs (et Groupes) sous Active Directory vers Alfr...

ngn2008 by Champ in-the-making
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[SOLVED] Evaluator and service access

Hello all !I have a little problem.I want to acces in my evaluator to the personService, has anyone know how to do it ?Extract form web-client-config.xml:   <config>      <actions>         <!– Launch Add Aspect Dialog –>         <action id="addValida...

maxenced by Champ in-the-making
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Lockservice : Bad Crendentials presented Exception

Bonjour,Je rencontre des problèmes avec un CheckOutCheckInService, comme déjà expliqué ici. J'ai besoin d'effectuer une copie de document dans un autre répertoire et de vérouiller le document original. Pour cette raison je pensais utiliser un CheckOu...

grégo by Champ in-the-making
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Options du workflow - Echeance de revue limitée à 2010

Bonjour,Le titre n'est peut-être pas explicite.La manipulation que je fais: Visualiser les détails d'un fichier, et ensuite à droite, cliquer sur "Demarrer le workflow avancé", puis suivant, on peut mettre une description, la priorité de la revue et ...

magicwill by Champ in-the-making
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lucene search

why doesn't this work properly. I have wasted hundreds of minutes on stupid things, isnt there a decent document for lucene syntax on alfresco? not this link "".To be particular: I have a tags ...

robain by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Logo

Is there a way to replace the Alfresco Logo at the login page? I woulkd like to replace the Alfresco Logo with our company logo so that our users know they are at the correct site. If there is a way to do this…can you please tell me how?Thanks in adv...

rhathaway by Champ in-the-making
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Liferay-Alfresco WCM

I have deployed liferay alfresco4.2 war file in Liferay4.2. It only contains alfresco ECMnot Alfresco WCm. What i do for getting Alfresco WCM in liferay portal?

Add new action to administration console

Hi All, Can I add a new action to alfresco's administration console.On browsing through the forums I found a similar question ( which says that modifying the jsp is the only way to do that...

cyzak by Champ in-the-making
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