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Forum Posts

Is it possible to submit content to WCM using web-scripts?

One of the ways of creating content in WCM repository is using XSD backed web-forms. The authors of my web-app do-not like that not-so-shiny web-client interface and want a custom form inside some other application and want to create content using th...

Problems executing SDK JCRSamples

When I execute it appears to me the following error:…31-oct-2006 9:55:28 connectINFO: connecting using "socket,host=localhost,port=8100,tcpNoDelay=1"…31-oct-2006 9:55:30

rcortesr by Star Contributor
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html message on the server console

Hi,I am getting the following html codes when i am browsing any page from webclient.<div style="display:none"></div>2008-08-07 18:18:13,071 ( WARN  org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.taglib.UIComponentBodyTagBase - Componen...

kayan by Champ in-the-making
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Mise a jour de contenus

Bonjour,Actuellement en cours d'adaptation de la version Community d'Alfresco (2.1) au sein de mon service, j'ai pu constater, lors de différents tests, que la mise à jour de contenus via l'action "mettre à jour" se déroulait à merveille…mais lorsque...

Creating users and groups

I want to have a script that sets my basic alfresco setup. This means creating users, groups and spaces. Using webservices I managed to create users and spaces but couldnt fint out how to create groups. Using Webscripts I cant see how I can create us...

birgir by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco data base size and versionedProperty qname

Hi,I have a repository with 180 000 objects : (spaces and documents), when I select nodes in the table alf_node I have 2 300 000 records, i have 180 000 records with my custom type_qname and remainig records ( more than 2 000 000) with versionedPrope...

amar by Champ in-the-making
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[SOLVED] Can't connect to Alfresco 3.0a from MS Word 2003

Hi,I tried to connect to Alfresco Lab 3.0a from Office 2003, but I can't.I followed instructions from Getting_Started_with_Alfresco_Share_Preview.pdf :1. Start Microsoft Word.2. From the File menu, choose Open.3. In the File name field, type:“http://...

dgenard by Champ on-the-rise
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how to create groups in time?

I have 2 group assigneed to 2 task, i use Fork in define process and assign 2 group for 2 task but it created 1 task with group assigneed. I want to create 2 group in time with group assignee for task. Help me!!!!Thanks and Regards.

vinaxwater by Champ in-the-making
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How to integrate WCM content creation with email

I understand that it is possible to create documents in Alfresco repository by sending mails to some pre-configured email id. Is this capability available on WCM side as well? Is there any documentation, etc available for this? -Ken