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Búsquedas con caracteres especiales

Hola,Tengo problemas a la hora de realizar búsquedas: al buscar documentos que contienen palabras con acentos o algún otro caracter extraño, no los encuentra. En cambio, si tengo un documento en cuyo nombre tiene algún caracter extraño, a la hora de ...

lvasa by Champ in-the-making
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No se puede arrancar Alfresco

Hola,estoy realizando cambios de diseño y en la configuración de alfresco, los cambios de la configuración son muy pequeños, por ejemplo, que me muestre el companyhome en vez de myalfresco y esas cositas…. Weno cuento esto porque cuando hago algun ca...

ciberbec by Champ in-the-making
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deshabilitar modificación y creación de usuarios

buenas.Tengo instalado Alfresco Community 2.1, integrado además con un servidor LDAP. Debido a que los usuarios y su información se gestionan en el LDAP quiero deshabilitar las opciones de modificación y creación de usuarios. La idea es que ningún us...

jota by Champ in-the-making
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Límite de Nodos importados en un webservice

Hola, En la siguiente función function getNodeByPath($Store, $path, $node = null)    {        $bits = split('/', $path);        if ($node == null) {            $node = $Store->getCompanyHome();        }        /* @var $node Node */        foreach ($b...

random CIFS file-corruption on OS X,Community Network - v2.9

I'm using Alfresco Community Network - v2.9.0 (B 683) on Centos 5.2 server and I am witnessing random file corruption when uploading files from OS X. Result is that filesize is 0 bytes long, and if user does not check the files she/he has uploaded hi...

huima by Champ in-the-making
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restoration of alfresco to another machine its not starting

We tried to migrate the production alfresco 1.4 version to another Linux machine.We took the entire folder structure inckluding alf_data from production and restored into new machine.Then we insatllaed mysql 5.0and then we started up the server , we ...

vvm by Champ in-the-making
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Creating new form widgets

Are there any examples on how to implement a new form widget into a form? Perhaps how to click a simple widget such as s button. I'm interested in how types defined in the xsd (normalizedString,anyURI) are mapped to entries in web-client-config-wcm.x...

et3rnul by Champ in-the-making
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How to compile a java class with alfresco implemented method

Hi all,I want to know how to compile the java class with alfresco implemented methods. For example, if we are going to extend AbstractWebScript and if we use execute method which contains WebScriptRequest and WebScriptResponse as arguments,… how do i...

yvinodh by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco WCM and Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0

Hi All,We are entering an bid for a government assignment and one of the questions in the rfp is if the pages that are created with ALfresco WCM are ATAG-compliant, or can you "enforce" the compliance to a certain degree with Alfresco WCM? I can't se...

jenskock by Champ in-the-making
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How to use Alfresco as a Web CMS

I am reviewing some Web Content Management Systems for a customer and I am really struggling to grasp what Alfresco is, and what it is not. The customer is looking for a cms for their website and intranet.I would really appreciate it if you could ans...

olemartin by Champ in-the-making
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