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Forum Posts

How to create external user account with validity period

Please, I wish to know how create external user accounts for those users who are not within the organization. I want the created users as external users and with a validity period for their user accounts and for their permissions to be modifiable.I h...

alfiennes by Champ in-the-making
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Custom action : how to intercept the validation phase of JSF

Hello,I have a custom action like this :<!– Etat traiter –>         <action id="traiter_action_id">            <permissions>               <permission allow="true">Write</permission>            </permissions>            <evaluator>               org....

zomurn by Champ in-the-making
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FilePicker Error

Hello,I'm experiencing a problem I was wondering if anyone has possibly seen. I'm not sure if I just open an issue as my searches don't show any other similar posts.From what I can tell, if I am in my sandbox and I delete a folder but DO NOT SUBMIT t...

howejr77 by Champ in-the-making
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Tool for Integrating Derby db with Alfresco Labs3B

Hello,          Can anyone help me out in searching a tool that can integrate my Alfresco Labs 3B with the derby database.i.e.I want the physical existence of my database so at the time of any db crush I can retain with its back-up.I have tried with ...

Where is the Connection object in Alf code ?

Where do I find the connection object in alfresco code ?I have found many connection files but from where I can find the object created for that ?What if I want to create a table in MySQL database from the code itselfby running the query i.e executin...

sanket by Champ on-the-rise
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Alfresco - Lotus -> Mainsoft

There is an plug-in to Lotus Notes, used to integrate Lotus and SharePoint. What is the possibility of using this plug-in for Alfresco? Because Alfresco implements the same protocol that SharePoint …

dabada83 by Champ in-the-making
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ERROR : Client-id : _idJsp30 is duplicated in the faces tree

Hola a todos,Estoy modificando un poco el browse.jsp, y sobre todo con mucho cuidado (que miedo!!!!!!!!  :shock: )Me estoy encontrando con un error tal como :javax.faces.FacesException: Client-id : _idJsp30 is duplicated in the faces tree. Component ...

txakin by Champ in-the-making
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Modificar el space-details.jsp

Hola a todos,Llevo un tiempo desarrollando con Alfresco, aunque no soy ningún experto y me he encontrado con un problemita…o una duda…y no sé muy bien como seguir.Aquí paso a comentar lo que me sucede:En mi Alfresco, me he creado un aspecto nuevo : e...

txakin by Champ in-the-making
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Erreur bizarre pendant configuration LDAP

Bonjour,Je voudrais configurer LDAP.J'ai suivi les documentaires et aussi cherché les forums. Quand je donne une adresse faux, il le dit. Mais après cela, donc quand une adresse accessible est donné, je reçois l'erreur suivant:15:08:38,673 INFO  [org...

libman by Champ in-the-making
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Bonjour,J'utilises Maven dans un projet et je dois y intégrer une recherche Alfresco. Pour mes tests j'ai récupérer alfresco-web-service-client.jar.Pour Maven j'ai retrouver une configuration dans mon pom.xml pour Alfresco   <repositories>    <reposi...