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Alfresco 2.9b, no funciona workflow simple.

Hola a todos,estoy intentando crear una regla asignando un workflow simple. Selecciono todos los campos, cómo se debe llamar la aprobación y el rechazo, dónde tiene que copiar o mover las cosas. Pero no se activa el botón "Continuar". ¿Tengo que hace...

baldomero by Champ in-the-making
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Instalando Alfresco en Windows 2003 Server bajo Tomcat

Hola, Tras arrancar Tomcat y escribir en la barra de direcciones del exploradorhttp:// aparece POR FIN la página de entrada a Alfresco, en la que me pide usuario y contraseña sólamente.Lo que quiero saber es cuál introducir, ya ...

nanija by Champ in-the-making
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Safari 3, Firefox 3 (Mac) and TinyMCE

The tinyMCE editor (version used in Alfresco 3 has a few compatibility problems with Safari 3. TinyMCE advise an upgrade to major version 3 but Alfresco contains several calls to TMCE functions from xforms.js which would need changing.The pr...

steventux by Champ in-the-making
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[solved]Writing a custom behaviour on user create

Hi,I'am writing a custom behavior after reading the good article named "behavior-article.pdf".So here is what I want to do :When the administration create a user, I want to "catch the event" (does it correspond to onCreateStore event ?) so to create ...

zomurn by Champ in-the-making
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Licence API web-services

Bonjour, Une petite question me taraude l'esprit : sous quelle licence est l'API Alfresco-web-service-client?En GPL comme le reste de l'application ou bien sous une autre licence?Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.Arnaud

arno by Champ in-the-making
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Sobreescribir el añadir contenido

Hola a todos!Mi Alfresco tiene que soportar dos opciones para añadir contenidos, uno es el que viene por defecto y otro quiero para crear documentos dentro de espacios que tienen un determinado aspecto asignado.Tengo mi bean hecho y el jsp.He intenta...

nawja by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco 2.9b, simple workflow doesn't work

Hi, I have Alfresco 2.9b, but when I create a simple workflow, I write all fields but it doesn't show "ok button". It appears disabled all time.How I can solved it?Thanks!

baldomero by Champ in-the-making
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[Résolu] Tomcat ne s'arrête pas

Bonjour,J'utilise Alfresco Labs 3B sur un serveur en Fedora 9 et lorsque je fait un, le processus java de tomcat ne s'arrête pas, je suis obligé de faire un kill dessus. De plus, il n'y a aucune écriture dans le fichier catalina.out.Quelq...

mael by Champ in-the-making
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Tomcat 6/JSF 1.2

Are there any plans to update Alfresco to JSF 1.2 on Tomcat 6?This will fix the back button issue.

jbarrett by Champ in-the-making
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Integration of custom content

Hi Friends,I was trying to retrieve the content from the repository.I found a class FileContentStore (from alfresco code that I have downloaded it from its repo ) in which the content URL format for file stores is defined as <b>store://year/month/day...

madhu2710 by Champ in-the-making
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