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Forum Posts

Store not found error

I am getting an error in creating a content. Its showing something like this"Error generating rendition using cdcatalog.xsl: Store not found."  that is "store not found Error" Can anybody help me.OR give me some material so that, i can solve this iss...

RSS Reader blowing up with Yahoo custom feed

I have been trying to find a way to get a custom RSS feed of ASEAN running in Labs (3.0b) share.  As I have indicated in another post, google news feeds don't work as do any other feeds that require passing some sort of query to the news engine. ...

tbuehrer by Champ in-the-making
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funcionamiento CIFS?

Hola a todosTengo alfresco con CIFS activado (creo que ya venia de serie), localmente si abro la pagina principal puedo acceder sin problemas al contenido como si se tratara de carpetas, pero desde otros equipos no.Ahora he cambiado de ubicación el e...

ismael by Champ in-the-making
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Upload File

Hola a todos,Quiero subir un archivo a alfresco mediante web scripsts, pero a un espacio determinado, como podria hacerlo?Por ahora puedo subir el archivo solo al companyhomeupload = companyhome.createFile(filename) ;

Web Script Status 400 - Bad Request

Just installed Alfresco Labs 3c and made no configuration changes. Alfresco itself works. I go to http://myserver:8080/alfresco/service and receive the following:Web Script Status 400 - Bad RequestThe Web Script /alfresco/service has responded with a...

gman2 by Champ in-the-making
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Google Apps tie in

I know one of the long term hurdles to a very smooth workflow in Alfresco has been the ability to click on a link in alfresco, automatically checkout and open, edit, save and version a document in a single natural flow.So far there has been a fairly ...

ofrxnz by Champ in-the-making
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Afficher une étoile à coté d'un espace si contenu

Bonjour,je souhaite afficher à droite des espaces un symbole, exemple une étoile(*), qui précise s'il existe des fichiers dans cet espace.Le but est de savoir rapidement s'il existe un contenu, car j'utilise un modèle d'espace qui contient une arbore...

ameline-y by Champ in-the-making
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URL redirection after an external login with CAS

Hi,I have Alfresco ( 2.1 ) authenticating against a JA-SIG CAS SSO system and it works right it authenticates me and it takes me to my home folder. If after having logged in CAS i click in a URL that points to a content in my Alfresco repository it j...

iblanco by Confirmed Champ
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TODO list

Hi,I think that it wuold be nice to have a todo list in Alfresco share. This doto list should be shared by the project's members. Another idea could be to create a sort of ticket system where the ticket are associated to one or more users and must be...

rtacconi by Champ in-the-making
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Cannot use the wiki pages effectively

Hi,How do I use the wiki language in the wiki pages provided by Alfresco Share? For example, in the wiki editor of tracd, the following lines as input== Active Librato Products ==  * [wiki:"AVS"]  * [wiki:"LOAD MANAGER"]  * [wiki:"GENERIQUE"]  * [wik...

sroy by Champ in-the-making
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