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Forum Posts

Creation d'espaces (virtuel) par catégories

Bonjour,J'utilise et "administre" un Alfresco Version: Community Network - v2.1.0 (sur Windows)Les documents sont rangés dans des espaces (Techniques, marketing, etc …), j'aimerai avoir une vue transversale par produits. Pour cela au lieu de re-créer...

How to add/update content to WCM with Java Backed Webscripts

Hi,I am trying to write a Java backed web-script that will allow me to write some content (lets say an xml file) to my web project or more specifically to a particular user's sandbox and from there it can go the normal route of approvals.I want to be...

himanshu by Champ in-the-making
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Should there be a Alfresco Plugin for Jfusion ?

Joomla and Alfresco looks like a cool combination.But it would be nice not to have your users sign up twice (once for joomla and another for alfresco).Hence, User integration.[img][/img]How about someone at...

WebService : renommage d'un fichier avec CMLCopy

Bonjour à tous,est-t'il possible de renommer un fichier lors de la copie de celui ci  en utilisant CMLCopyvoici le code utilisé :// compute fromReference ref = new Reference();ref.setStore(store); ref.setPath(filePathFrom);Predicate pred = new Predic...

jcousini by Champ in-the-making
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Quesion about sitemap

Hello everyone,I have 2 questions 1) Is there a way to generate site-map automatically ?     There is  webform in WSF project but it generates it manually .2) if a page needs to be deleted from the content management is there a way to do it automatic...

vaijayanti by Champ in-the-making
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reindexing causes exception in job ftsIndexerJobDetail

We have a problem with our installation and some one suggested to rebuild index as a work around we did that and during that job threw following exception 09:03:52,122 ERROR [org.quartz.core.ErrorLogger] Job (DEFAULT.ftsIndexerJobDetail threw an exce...

haroonzc by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Lento

Buenas a todos.Os comento un poco la situacion. Tenemos un alfresco montado sobre una debian 64 bits (virtualizada con VMWARE ESX 3.5) con 6 gigas de ram, y procesador Xeon 3 GHz de 4 nucleos.Llevamos cargados unos 2.000.000 de documentos. Nuestro pr...

xagaes by Champ in-the-making
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Controlled vocabulary property

Hi,Is there any way to 1) Restrict an Aspect property's value to values within a controlled dictionary?2) Specify that these particular properties are displayed in a property sheet using a list box or combo box populated with the values from the cont...

lfridael by Champ in-the-making
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custom alert Message

hi all,I have requirement , where , in a simple workflow scenario when a rejection is initiated the user gets to see a custom alert message something like 'You are about to reject the workflow..' Can this be done ?Thanks for the help Regards ab

abirb by Champ in-the-making
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Node browser lucene search: Transaction must be active and

Hi Folks - I'm trying to run a couple of Lucene searches that worked under 3.0a and now don't seem to work under 3.0c.From the node browser, if I tryPATH:"/app:company_home/*"‍with a Lucene search in the node browser, version 3.0a gives me back resul...

attack7 by Champ in-the-making
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