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Forum Posts

not searching the content of ms-office 2007 documents

Hi ,I'm using alfresco 2.0 community network. And for a test purpose i have uploaded some documents which are in ms-office 2003 and as well as ms-office 2007. But while searching the content of ms-office 2003 docs it is working fine. and it is failed...

Differences between Alfresco Enterprise 2.2 and 3.0

Hello, i am new in this forum.Can anybody help me or give me directions? I want to find out the differences between Alfresco 2.2 Enterprise and 3.0 Enterprise. Will 2.2 Enterprise be continued or does 3.0 Enterprise replace 2.2 in the future? Is 2.2 ...

micha by Champ in-the-making
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How to Edit and Expiry content in WCM?

Hi all,I am fresh in alfresco, I just wonder, after I submit the new content to Staging and deploy it, how can I do some edition for the content (may be in the future I need to add in some new information)? and How can I change the expiry date of the...

shmu80 by Champ in-the-making
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Custom Content Model Causes

I created a custom content model and it is displaying properly in the UI.  When I go to run the following sample webscripthttp://localhost:18080/alfresco/service/sample/folderI get the following exception:500 Description:    An error inside the HTTP ...

rdifrango by Champ in-the-making
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LDAP + Alfresco Labs 3

How to configuration and use LADP user account login Alfresco.What I need to modify files.Please give details of the steps set.

rayylv by Champ in-the-making
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Context initialization failed

Hai friends ,            i have installled mysql 4.1.10a and jdk 1.5 in my linux system . after that i tried to deploy alfresco in tomcat ( using tomcat 5.0.28 ) but i am getting following excepton while starting the server .           pls tell me wh...

Table Editing

In a collaborative environment, end users often request the ability to generate and modify simple tables inline (as opposed to managing Excel document revisions). The YUI components shipped with Share distributions include datatable, but it's not exp...

fengelmann by Champ in-the-making
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Custom Web script failing with 500 error

I've written a custom Web script.  I have it working in a "Hello World" sense (just injecting data into the model, and spitting it back out), so I know all the files are in the right spots, the URL is mapped correctly, etc.However, as soon as I try t...

deane by Champ on-the-rise
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TinyMCE & 2.1 Community

The tinymce configurations that worked pre 2.1 do not work with 2.1 community.  Can someone please let us know what has changed?I have tried to even do a simple modification to include the code or html view, but the changes to the theme_advanced_butt...

eyestreet by Champ in-the-making
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