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Forum Posts

Mapping CIFS drive causes 100% CPU

Hello Everybody,I don't know if this is what everybody have.  I installed Alfresco Enterprise version 3.0 with Java on WinXP with 1GB ram.  I noticed that everytime I tried to map the window drive to the Alfresco the Java seems to lock up.  I looked ...

larryton by Champ in-the-making
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Historial de Workflows en la Vista de Detalles del documento

En la vista de detalles del documento, tenemos una option Workflows, con la que podemos ver en que workflow se encuentra el documento actualmente…. pero… una vez que se termina este, el campo o modulo este, se limpia, se reinicia, vamos que no muestr...

ajss by Champ in-the-making
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Embedding Alfresco in another web application

Hello,I need to embed the alfresco core and services in another web application, completely different from the Alfresco Web Application.This web application will use another version of Spring, Hibernate, Web Container and related technologies.Do you ...

enrico_it by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco 3c - openoffice

When installing Alfresco 3c Labs on ubuntu I was not able to point to the correct path of my OpenOffice3 installation (soffice).How can I "manually" configure Alfresco to use openoffice(for transforming doc/xls/ppt into pdf or any other format)?ThxCl...

fx3000se by Champ in-the-making
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Error al iniciar alfresco [ Cannot assign requested addres ]

Hola buenos dias. Mirando en el foro y comparando los diferentes problemas que ha havido yo puedo exponer uno nuevo, el problema es el siguiente.Siguiendo la wiki de instalación . inici...

juanfrasr by Champ in-the-making
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Error Alfresco

hola a todos cuando intento ingresara las reglas de cualquier espacio me esta sacando el siguiente errororg.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: Failed to setup action handler for 'createThumbnailVideoOffset'caused by:java.lang.ClassNotFoundExcep...

CIFS works but error message appears

Hey there.I am running Alfresco 3.0 Enterprise Edition on a Windows Vista SP1 System.Installing and running Alfresco was no problem at all, but know i am facing some problems with the CIFS.I first mounted a network drive to "\\borta\alfresco\user hom...

bort by Champ in-the-making
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Unable to run programs of alfresco-labs-sdk-3c

Hello,I am unable to run any programs in "alfresco-labs-sdk-3c", as it throws below mentioned errors. Please help.#######################################################Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationExceptio...

amit_wmw by Champ in-the-making
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Consulta urgente LDAP

Hola que tal, ojala me puedan ayudar, sucede que estoy trabajando con la integracion de active directory y alfresco, pero tengo un problema, he realizado sincronizacion antes pero cuando los usuarios estan en un solo grupo. Tienen alguna referencia d...

kocoubb by Champ in-the-making
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Display trouble folders in joomla with component

hi everyone I have a couple of questions for you and hopefully you can help me out with them.I have installed alfresco lab 3 in OpenSuse 11.1 , with a mysql database version 5.O.67I have installed joomla with apache2 and php version 5.2.6I also downl...

khyron by Champ in-the-making
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