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Forum Posts


Bom dia galera, estou dando andamento no projeto de implantação do Alfresco aqui na empresa.Vocês poderiam me indicar algum material pra estudo ? Estou iniciando com o Alfresco do zero.Obrigado!

Alfresco não salva e-mail na conta de novo usuário

Olá Pessoal,Instalamos um Alfresco em um Windows Server 2008 R2 e ativamos a autenticação no Active Directory e o login até funciona normalmente, porém os usuários que são criados no Alfresco, após o primeiro login, não estão com seus e-mails preench...

using import in 5.1

HelloI have a webscript, in this webscript I add ressource from a script<import resource="classpath:/alfresco/extension/scripts/companyName/services/CorrespTemplateService.js">‍In 4.2 for using methode of the script in my webscript I just had to call...

Resolved! Javascript webscript and Java backed webscript

I want to know the technical difference between Javascript webscript and Java backed webscript. Also please guide me when to use which webscript ?What I Know:<li> For Rapid development use Javascript webscript </li><li> For easy maintenance purpose u...

JSON array evaluating to StringModel in FreeMarker

Hello,I have a web script in Share that calls a repo web script which returns some JSON. I want to use this JSON in a FreeMarker template to build up a page but I'm having some problems. The repo side seems to be working absolutely fine. Here is an e...

Files binari orfani dentro il repository

Ciao a tutti,sto usando Alfresco Community e mi sono accorto della presenza di files orfani dentro il contentstore.In pratica si tratta di files presenti dentro al filesystem ma non mappati dentro la tabella alf_content_url del database.Nella maggior...

kattaweb by Champ on-the-rise
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Usuarios e invitados

Soy muy nuevo muy nuevo, de hoy mismo.¿Los usuarios o invitados deben tener instalada la aplicación de Alfresco en su ordenador?Gracias.

ankalg by Champ in-the-making
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Edit Prior Version Properties

Is it possible to edit the properties of prior versions of documents?  For example, DocumentA is currently at version 2.0.  I want to go back and change the description of version 1.0.Thanks.- Jeff

jsonnabend by Champ in-the-making
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alfresco log and audit dashlet

Hi, I'm found a user access to alfresco in audit dashlet every morning.[ sub-actions : readContent ][ action : READ ][ type : cm:thumbnail ][ path : /app:company_home/st:sites/cmrivate-site/cm:documentLibrary/cm:XXX/cm:XXX.pdf/cm:doclib ][ user : xxx...

thanakorn by Champ in-the-making
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Activiti Designer - build failures

Hi Experts,           Trying to build activiti designer(5.18.1) from source(, but hitting this issue:[INFO] Fetching p2.index from (0B at 0B/s)[INFO] Adding repo...

kuldeept by Champ in-the-making
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