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Forum Posts

run ALFRESCO in Root like http://alfresco

Hihow can I reconfigure so that Alfresco runs in the Root like http://alfrescoinstead in Virtual directory http://alfresco/alfrescoI made some changes in urlrewrite.xml, webscript-framework-config-custom.xml and webscript-framework-config-custom.xml....

haltindag by Champ in-the-making
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User can view but can't download

Hi all,I want to ask how can i setting in alfresco, if just want user with consumer roles just can view and search the file but they can't download the file.Example :User A is a Consumer in folder IMAGE and have Img001.jpgUser B is a Contributor in f...

xeonyk by Champ in-the-making
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Linux or Windows

Hey all,i would like to test Alfresco. Which operating system did you recommend, Windows oder Linux

torsten_e by Champ in-the-making
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Upgrading Database Schema

Hello Everyone,I ran the upgrade process from Labs 3c to Labs 3 Stable and everything seems to be working fine.My question is regarding the database schema.  When Alfresco starts it is telling me that my schema is still the old 3c schema instead of t...

cphastings by Champ in-the-making
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'Store not found' JSP include/XSD still a problem in Stable?

Hi,I just installed the Labs3D/Stable release and tried to use an XSD with a JSP include in it but got this error:09:49:39,656 User:admin ERROR [ui.common.Utils] Store not Store not found.   at...

tvaughan77 by Champ in-the-making
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problemas con Advanced WorkFlow

tengo un problema con mis flujos avanzadosa ver si me podrias ayudar estoy intentando hacer un script para que cada vez que yo mueva un documento a un espacio se le asigne un flujo de trabajo para que un grupo o un usuario lo aprueve pero hasta ahora...

juansanchez by Champ in-the-making
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Create content using

I am trying to use custom content types to create content, i am able to run when i started Alfresco server and log-in to the Alfresco Web Client. Within the 'Company Home' space able to see the 'WIKI Encyclopedia' space as created b...

Find all groups

Hi,I'd like to know how to get all existing groups in Alfresco. I've tried :var query = "TYPE:\"{}authorityContainer\"";but it doesn't get any results.  Is there anything wrong? Is there another way to get all ex...

lbm by Champ in-the-making
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How to configure and test ASR, FSR on linux local machine?

Hello,Can any body tell me how can I configure ASR FSR on linux based environment. and testing process also.I found the configuration for FSR and tried it. but could not configure the comes with the alfresco-enterprise-deployment2.2.0...

[resolved] Scheduling jobs and Spring context

Hello,I coded a scheduled job like this :<bean id="fromTraiterToArchiverScheduler" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.JobDetailBean">        <property name="jobClass">           <value>org.alfresco.module.msc.action.executer.MscArchiverExec...

zomurn by Champ in-the-making
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