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Records Management Module errors

HiWhen creating records inside a "file plan" folder, the record_template.ftl is assigned to this new "record space"; if the type of record I create is a space, when navigating to the newly created "record space" the template fails in visualizing it.T...

jzulu2000 by Champ in-the-making
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setContextPath no longer works with absurl

a change to setContextPath in v3 (3Stable/Final)breaks this<script> setContextPath('${absurl(url.context)}'); </script>‍the context path will get set to "" and Ajax won't work.the workaround I found was to set _alfContextPath directly<script> _alfCon...

Alfresco Labs + Docasu + Ubuntu

Hola, una consulta pleaseEstoy instalando Docasu con Alfresco labs 3.0 en una maquina Ubuntuy quede pegado en una parte de las instalación, si alguien me puede ayudar:

Alfresco Labs 3: Report from the trenches

I´ve just installed the new Alfresco 3.0a and read the FAQ and the forums and here some comments:1) Alfresco JSF: good to read in the FAQ that all 2.x functionality is in, including 2.9. Tested some of it and it seems so. No time yet to do an upgrade...

mabayona by Champ on-the-rise
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Crear sitios en alfresco share

Hola a todos, tengo un error con al crear un sitio con alfresco share en la última versión de alfresco 3.0,al llenar el formulario para crear el sito, se presenta el siguiente error:Wrapped Exception (with status template): Failed to execute script '...

Sobre Workflows

Hola de nuevo…Bueno lo de Start Advanced Workflow de asignar trabajos a los usuarios ya le se mas o menos… nada mas que se aplican a los documentos por lo que me di cuenta.. pero quisiera saber si esos mismos Start Advanced Workflow se pueden aplicar...

Upgrading to 3 Stable from 3C

I am trying to upgrade from 3C to 3 Stable on a Windows server platform using mysql and am having problems.  I did the following:1.  Stopped Alfresco Labs 3C2.  backed up my alf_data directory3.  backup up the mysql database using mysqldump to alf3c....

tbuehrer by Champ in-the-making
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Upload webscript + Max file size

Hi All,Is there a maximum limit on the file size that can be uploaded using the web script framework?  When I tried to upload a file (> 140MB) using the upload script via the open source DOCASU web-scipt based client, it failed. However when I tried ...

loogw by Champ in-the-making
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Accès en webservice : Erreur de connexion

Bonjour,J'essaie de me connecter en webservice à Alfresco (Entreprise 3.0 sur JBoss AS 4.2), pour cela j'ai téléchargé le Alfresco labs 3 SDK et j'utilise l'exemple de la classe "GetStores", mon serveur tourne sur le port 80, j'ai essayé en mettant c...