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Forum Posts

How to delete 'old versions' of content-document.

Hello Is there any way to delete "old versions" of content-document (via API) while just leaving the current version? If you have any related sample, please share or any suggestions regarding the same also will be much appreciable ThanksAmit.

amit_wmw by Champ in-the-making
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Instalar Alfresco en un servidor, y la bd en otro server

Buenas tardes!Necesito saber si puedo Instalar Alfresco Community (Alfresco Labs 3 Stable) en un servidor linux RedHat, y que Alfresco, conozca y apunte a la base de datos que lo tengo en otro servidor.Es posible que Alfresco vea a mi base de datos ?...

reguets by Champ in-the-making
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Anotações Java para Alfresco CM

O artigo está em ingles…The purpose of this article is to present a very easy and handy way of mapping your Alfresco content model in Java Classes through usage of Java Annotations. This way the access to the properties of your node is much more tran...

rmonteiro by Champ in-the-making
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smb protocol

Hi,I have alfresco 2.1.1 running and I get this error message all the time:07:25:35,256 ERROR [org.alfresco.smb.protocol] Socket closed by remote client07:56:41,215 ERROR [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Bad format, unexpected ty...

suleyman by Champ in-the-making
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how to prevent document from download ?

What should be modified to prevent documents from downloaded by unauthorized users but allow finding those documents when using search engine?thx

xeonyk by Champ in-the-making
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How to apply auto rendition to web form

Hi All,I have one problem if you can help me out.I have edited the xml file of my WCM project in the repository using webscript.NOw i  want the rendition  means the generated jsp using the web form for the edited XML also to be reflect the changes i ...

Traduction de l'interface SHARE

Bonjour,Un mot rapide pour répondre à plusieurs demandes reçues, et dire qu'il n'est pas nécessaire de commencer à travailler sur la traduction de l'interface "Share" pour la version 3.0. C'est en cours Un premier brouillon (absolument pas utilisable...

michaelh by Champ on-the-rise
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Filepicker widget hangs in IE 6 and 7

Hi,We have made dashlets using the wcm tld for handling the alfresco web forms controlling with the same dashlet using extjs and jsf.While working with in built web forms ,it works nice..but if we try to open the same using our code it hangs in IE 6 ...

SOLVED: Alfresco SHARE 'Document Library' do not work

Hi I have "Alfreso 3Stable" installed from .war files. Everything work perfect except "Document Library" in SHARE. The links are not active and I could not many any documents. Any advice?Alfresco Installation:CentOS 5.2 x86Alfresco 3 Stablejdk 1.6.0_...

yyovkov by Champ in-the-making
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ZK Alfresco Talk

Para aquellos que se interesen por ZK y/o Alfresco os dejo un enlace a un artículo sobre integración de ZK y Alfresco recién publicado en la wiki de Zk después de haber sido invitado por ellos:

rmonteiro by Champ in-the-making
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