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Forum Posts

Modules payants pour Alfresco

J'espère que je ne me trompe pas de forum.Mon  boss me demande s'il est possible de commercialiser des développements réalisés avec Alfresco comme socle.Je serais curieux de savoir s'il existe aujourd'hui des éditeurs qui proposent des modules ou des...

rgouyet by Champ in-the-making
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How to transform just the content?

I'd like to be able to transform just the content of a document without automatically creating a new document (which causes problems with versioning….).  The idea would be something like:  var pdfWorkingCopy = pdffile.checkout();  pdfWorkingCopy.cont...

opoplawski by Champ in-the-making
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FTP filesystem location

We're using Labs 3 Final and I'm running into an issue setting up FTP.  Authentication and all that is fine: I get the Alfresco and AVM directories everyone gets when going off the default setup.  What I was hoping to get was the FTP equivalent to th...

tyuhas by Champ in-the-making
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Buenas,Hemos cambiado alfresco de forma que en vez de importar usuarior a la base de datos, lo que haga sea tirar del AD directamente usando NTLM… Para probarlo hemos intentado arrancar Alfresco pero nos sale un "content integrity error".No hemos toc...

fstnboy by Champ on-the-rise
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contentstore.deleted reste désespérement vide.

Bonjour,J'évalue la version 3.0 community stable sous constate que le répertoire contentstore.deleted reste désespérément vide et pourtant :1) je mets des documents dans la corbeille(mes documents supprimés sont visibles dans archive://Spa...

rgouyet by Champ in-the-making
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Accent Français

Bonjour,Alfresco V2.2.0 E fonctionne avec des répertoires et fichiers contenant des accents.J'ai mis à jour le SP2 et j'ai testé le repository qui fonctionne mais je me suis aperçu ( après mise à jour ) que les fichiers et dossiers avec accents ne so...

vanels by Champ in-the-making
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updated file

Hello,when I check out a file modify it and then check it in again and then try to view my mofications the very latest version of my file won't show. I have to go the version history and open the latest history file to get the newest version, but I w...

aliali by Champ in-the-making
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Possible to register commands via spring configuration?

I hope this is a simple question; is it possible to register commands via Spring configuration? I've seen some documentation that states that you need to create your own CommandProcessor and then register the commands in a static block, but that seem...

Choose workflow during submit in WCM

Hi all,We have one web project with webforms that are shared by two different departments.  Depending on which department the initiator of the workflow is in we want to run different workflows so that the content can be reviewed by a different group ...

boneill by Star Contributor
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How to use template to make Email notification

Hi All,I am new to Alfresco.In javascript api,  I find this email template configuration: mail.parameters.template = root.childByNamePath("Company Home/Data Dictionary/Email Templates/notify_user_email.ftl...

linuxapple by Champ in-the-making
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