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Alfresco hangs while exiting on windows vista !!

Friends,I am able to run alfresco on windows vista home basic.but when I shutdown alfresco server it hangs. even that JVM is not exited using CTRL+ALT+DELI have to restart my PC to do this stuff.I have JDK 1.6 update11 installed.what could be the sol...

g_rathod by Star Contributor
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Instalación de alfresco labs3 bajo tomcat con mysql

Hola de nuevo.Ahora me he puesto a instalar alfresco labs3.0(full) con mysql.Esta todo instalado, tanto la bbdd como el paquete de alfresco. He creado la bbdd alfresco y puesto que apunte a la misma.Mi problema surge cuando al abrir el explorador y p...

nanija by Champ in-the-making
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How to add a Java based application to Alfresco?

hi, i would like to know how to add a java based application to alfresco for eg:creating a jsp page n making a call from the jsp page that retrives information from the alfresco remote server,plz let me know the steps to configure that application..a...

javid by Champ in-the-making
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Chaining Alfresco and LDAP

Dear all, I'm trying to get chaining working with Alfresco 2.9B and I'm struggling. When I started out I was able to log in with admin/admin. I then set the LDAP config going and was able to login using my ldap username/password but not with the loca...

ajmillar by Champ in-the-making
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Long Restart Time?

I am just starting to learn Alfresco and find that it takes almost a minute to reboot Tomcat on my machine which adds a lot of time to the cycle of making changes and testing them.Do most developers experience about this same to reboot Tomcat?Is ther...

gerryr1 by Champ in-the-making
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Custom Action : onclick tag is ignore

Hello,I code the following custom action in web-client-config-custom.xml<action id="en_attente_action_id">            <permissions>               <permission allow="true">Write</permission>            </permissions>            <label-id>en_attente_ac...

zomurn by Champ in-the-making
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Espacio eliminado

tengo un problemaun usuario administrador del sistema, ha eliminado por completo su espacio dentro de alfresco y luego de esto alfresco no lo ha dejado iniciar sesion de nuevo, como podria hacer para que alfresco lo vuelva a dejar iniciar sesion, sab...

jesa by Champ in-the-making
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Regeln in Alfresco / Grundsätzliche Fragen

Hallo,bin Neueinsteliger bei Alfresco und habe ein System (2.9) erfolgreich unter CentOS 5.1 (VM) aufgesetzt, nach der Anleitung im wiki.Nach ersten Gehversuchen bin ich über folgende Punkte gestolpert:- Wie kann ich Spaces erstellen die nur für best...

bnice_6017 by Champ in-the-making
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Tomcat startet nicht

Hallo,wenn ich versuche den Alfresco Server zu starten sehe ich folgendes.Starting Tomcat…Using CATALINA_BASE:   C:\Programme\Alfresco\tomcatUsing CATALINA_HOME:   C:\Programme\Alfresco\tomcatUsing CATALINA_TMPDIR: C:\Programme\Alfresco\tomcat\tempUs...