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Creacion de espacios

Tengo el siguiente script:var nombre    =;var rename   = nombre.substring(0,nombre.lastIndexOf("#"));var nit      = nombre.substring(nombre.lastIndexOf("#")+1,nombre.lastIndexOf("."));var ext      = nombre.substrin...

jesa by Champ in-the-making
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Suite a authentification kerberos, droit administrateur

Bonjour,j'ai installé alfresco labs 3 stable, et mis en place l'authentification kerberos, donc je me log bien avec mes users du domaine, par contre avec le compte administrateur je n'ai pas le droit de supprimer et creer des espaces dans l'interface...

tieuma85 by Champ in-the-making
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Advanced search: Looking for custom space/content property

Hi everyone,I have defined my custom spaces with their curstom properties and the same for the content.That's to say, Alfresco will store a folder/content structure like:- A main custom "folderA" folder with a custom property called "code".- This mai...

sergi_l by Champ on-the-rise
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Not able to connect to Alfresco after installation

Hi,I have installed and configured Alfresco Lab 3b on Ubuntu server 8.04.1 by following this tutorial: The installation went apparently well. However, I don't manage to connect ...

no puedo compilar PageTag.class

Buenos dias, se que tenia que poner un titulo curioso para ver si me echais una mano a entender java.No os voy a engañar yo soy mas de PHP C++ y cositas asi, donde los compiladores funcionan a la primera y no necesito volverme picha, bien la cuestion...

no-name by Champ in-the-making
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Installing Alfresco lab 3.0 on Ubuntu server 8.10

Hi,I have been trying to install alfresco on subumit 8.10 for a few days now but with no luck.I installed it on windows server 2k8 and XP and it worked perfectly well. so far no problems.I was wondering if some has been successful in installing alfre...

nlazouzi by Champ in-the-making
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Links containing http:// fail due to extra http//

I realize that's a heck of a title, but I'll explain.1)  Create a link such as http://www.alfresco.com2)  If you click on that link while it is in the list of all links, it works.3)  Instead, click on the title so you reach the page where you could c...

jtp by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco server start failing (read only mode)

Alfresco server start failing + will not unpack war file.The server has been idle for a few months now, but has not been altered in any way since it was last working.Steps taken:-deleted directories under alf_data-dropped and recreated the mysql data...

Creation of a Alfresco Webservice for Enterprise System

Hello All, I am totally unaware of development capabilities on Alfresco. I am looking to implement a web service in Java the interface is given to me in a WSDL file . This WSDL will be later on used provide a Enterprise System the information from Al...

deny delete permision from owner of a space

hi alli want to allow a user to create a space and deny delete permission on that space i tried to assign him the contributor Role on that space but he still can delete the node he createi believe it's about owner ship ,but how can i allow user to cr...

mmrs by Champ in-the-making
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