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Forum Posts

LDAP - Bind Account Logs in no one else

I have followed all the forum post for getting LDAP to work and believe I have it right but the only user that can log in is the actual bind account user. I am on Alfresco 3.x, Windows Server 2003 Standard, Full Install from Alfresco Community, etc. ...

neomlsra by Champ in-the-making
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CMIS support for subtypes

The following piece of code is from pull apart atom entry// TODO: creation of file/folder sub-types// TODO: cmis properties‍‍‍‍ Is there anyone working on getting sybtype support ready in CMIS? I tried looking at the latest sv...

jkario by Champ in-the-making
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WS Upload and versionable aspect

Hello everyone,here's my problem. In my application, I upload contants via web services. To accomplish that, I followed a guide that uses two steps, one for creating the content item, and one to actually write the uploaded file in it.CMLCreate create...

theirish81 by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Labs 3 Final auf Ubuntu 8.04 Sharepoint Problem

Hallo,habe ein Problem mit meiner frischen Alfresco Installation. Habe auf einem Ubuntu vServer gemäß dieser Anleitung Alfresco installiert (inkl. Datenbanken in MySQL). Es funktioniert soweit auch alles (/alfresco und /share), aber leider bekomme ic...

fbartels by Champ in-the-making
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Labs 3.x auf Ubuntu 8.10 Neuinstallation Fehler

Ich versuche gerade die aktuelle 3.x Labs Version auf einem neu aufgesetzten Ubuntu 8.10 zu installieren.Bin den Anleitungen "Installing Alfresco on Ubuntu 7.10 / 8.04" gefolgt.Wenn ich das Teil jetzt starte erhalte ich nachfolgende Fehlermeldung.Ima...

torsten_e by Champ in-the-making
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Automatic logout of all users at 3 AM

All clients (users) using the alfresco web client should automatically beredirected to the login page at a particular time.How to destroy all of their sessions simultaneosly ?Actually I'm running a schedular so want to make the server free for someti...

sanket by Champ on-the-rise
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Alfresco migration from 2.9 to 3 labs stable

Hi all,Please anyone knows how i can migrate form alfresco2.9b to 3 labs stable.Please do reply.Environment MS SQL Server 2005     tomcat 5.5.26I tried to migrate using backup restore hot cold backup mechanism of alfresco,but at restoring it will req...

Ajouter un nouveau type donne des 'error'

Bonjour. Et je m’excuse pou la longer du post Ma configuration actuelle  est la souvent :Alfresco  Explorer Web Client : Alfresco LAbs 3StableApache Tomcat : 6.0.18Mysql :5.1.31-communityJava : 1.6.0_11S.O : Windos XP Je viens d’ajouter un nouvel asp...

anbira by Champ in-the-making
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Información básica sobre Alfresco (novato inside)

Hola a todos, soy nuevo por aquí y casi nuevo con Alfresco.Como es mi primer mensaje, me presento. Mi nombre es Antonio, y soy consultor IT en la línea de ECM de una consultora española. Recientemente he entrado a formar parte de un proyecto con Alfr...

agranjo by Champ in-the-making
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upgrade 3c -> Stable

I have uninstalled labs 3C and installed Stable. When install didn't work, I made the changes for openoffice that I had also made for 3C, to no avail. This is the errors I get (below). What should I do to install labs Stable?kind regardsChristine13:2...

xtine by Champ in-the-making
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