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[Résolu] Erreur en page login après install pack french

Bonjour,J'utilise la version Labs stable.Afin d'éviter d'être connecté en guest par défaut, j'avais remplacé la page index.jsp par la login.jsp.( ops: pas bien mais je ne voulais pas modifier la page de script)J'ai ensuite installé le package french....

ccoue by Champ in-the-making
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Store not found (Alfresco labs stable)

Hi all,as I mentioned in a previous post, our client want to switch to alfresco labs 3.We did a previous test and seems to me that there's no way to create page from web form. I got Store not found all the time, even with the simplest web form (no in...

ikkyusan by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco gratuit payant???

Bonjour,je viens de découvrir Alfresco , il est super, mais la grande question réside est ce un produit gratuit ou payant?j'ai vu sur Wikipedia qu'il est en licence GPL et c'est gratuit, mais lorsque j'ai essayer de le télécharger sur le site officie...

[Résolu] Sharepoint - adresse de fichier invalide

Bonjour !c'est encore moi, avec encore un problème du côté du protocole Sharepoint ce truc là va me rendre fou Bon après le coup du serveur web occupé, je me retrouve avec une adresse de fichier invalide ! Une petite image [img]http://www.benichka.f...

by Not applicable
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[SOLVED] SharePoint - strange errors while trying to connect

Hi everybody!I installed Alfresco Labs 3 on a Windows XP SP3. Everything works fine. I can connect to http://localhost:8080/alfresco and http://localhost:8080/share without any problem.I recently installed the SharePoint protocol support:- I've downl...

by Not applicable
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[Résolu] SharePoint - le serveur Web est occupé

Bonjour tout le monde après avoir pas mal galéré pour configurer correctement le protocole Sharepoint sur mon installation de Alfresco 3 Stable, je butte sur un truc assez étrange - J'ouvre un document Office quelconque (Word, Excel…) ;- je vais dans...

by Not applicable
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Pasos para modificar un documento

Hola buenos días:Tengo un problema, y es que cuando me dispongo a modificar un archivo que se encuentra en el repositorio, primero bloqueo el original y se crea la copia. Edito la copia, la modifico y cuando le doy a desbloquear, desaparece la copia ...

nanija by Champ in-the-making
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Email on update rule only works for rule creator

Hi All,I'd like my Alfresco repository to email all the space users when a document is uploaded into or updated in a space (on update).  I have a couple of rules set up for it (tested rules for each user), however they seem to only work when the last...

danovtx by Champ in-the-making
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Email template for Workflow notification

Hi I am trying to create an email notification while starting a workflow, but the email doesnt send me the correct details. It doesnt recognise workflow.assigned Tasks itself. Can someone help me solve this please.<#assign datetimeformat="dd MMMM yyy...

aswini by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco 3.0 SDK CustomAspect NO GO

Guys,Yes I'm new, but perhaps you can steer me to the correct answer.Custom Aspect would be of use to me in a solution.  I got the latest labs and sdk and am working on the contentHits aspect in the sdk.  It builds and creates the jar file which I de...

phanman by Champ in-the-making
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