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Forum Posts

:?: Create Physical Records Aspect - How Approach?

I have the 3.x Alfresco Community Edition with the Records Management Aspect and LDAP installed. I want to extend the Records Management content model to include the fields required for tracking physical records (paper in a box on a shelf). I need so...

neomlsra by Champ in-the-making
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Configuracion CIFS sobre Tomcat Linux

Hola a todos,tengo un problema con la instalación del war de alfresco en un tomcat (otro distinto al que viene con la versión).El caso es que despliego el .war en el tomcat que tengo, cambiando los archivos de configuración para que se conecte a una ...

jevalle by Champ in-the-making
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Action automatique suite à une validation

Bonjour,Je suis en train de travailler sur un workflow pour la gestion de factures.L'une des étapes consiste à rediriger la facture vers le bon acteur après la validation de celle-ci par un responsable.La redirection doit se faire suivant la valeur d...

xPath explanation

Hi all i have a little question that is a problem cause i really don't understand wht's worng.I'm new and i'm try to develop an application that i want use in web environment. Using web services  i'd like to retrive document list in alfresco reposito...

mannobug by Champ in-the-making
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Espacios de Usuarios y Permisos

Buenas,La verdad es que no es cosa mia, pero al verlo me ha interesado mucho y me gustaria abrir un post para que entre todos podamos estudiarlo. Primero fue lou quien puso un post que quedo sin respuesta  :? Creo un usuario 'xx' y le asigno como esp...

migration vers alfrescostable

Bonjour,J'essaie de migrer de la 3b vers alfrescostable (version labs)à vide, cela fonctionne très bien mais quand je récupère alf_data et la base de données posgreSQL? j'obtiens le message suivant :10:00:31,296  INFO  [domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap]...

WSSecurityEngine: Callback supplied no password for: ticket

Hi All,When I'm accessing Alfresco through Webservice API's, somtimes I'm getting below exception.Please help me.AxisFault faultCode: {}Server.generalException faultSubcode: faultString: WSDoAllReceiver: secur...

mahkath by Champ in-the-making
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One CAS server for multiple Alfresco servers

Hi there,I'm working on a Alfresco CAS LDAP installation. Most things are up and running but I have still some questions. My idea is to have one single CAS Server for SSO for Liferay and multiple Alfresco servers for different customers. The CAS serv...

arnekaiser by Champ in-the-making
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Problem, about Alfresco 2.2 And Mysql 5.0.45

Can you help me?About Alfresco 2.2 And Mysql 5.0.45  in Vista.Mysql drive : mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jarConfig file: custom-repository.propertiesdir.root=E:/hhp/java/Alfresco/alf_datadir.indexes=E:/hhp/java/Alfresco/alf_data/

hhping by Champ in-the-making
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How to show Version in filenamn or printed in the document

HiWhen distributing a document i.e Word or Excel out of Alfresco, for example to a customer or supplier, I used (before Alfresco) to include the doc version in the filename (123456_Docname_Ver_A). This makes it easy for partners not using Alfresco to...

ullan by Champ in-the-making
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