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Forum Posts

Get the port of running Alfresco instance programmatically

Hello, colleagues.Could you plese tell me how can I define (programmatically) the port of running Alfresco instance?I'm writing advanced workflow and I should include the link to the Alfresco instance into users' e-mails.The purpose is to obtain Serv...

dbz by Champ on-the-rise
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Envoi d'E mail Erreur : java.lang.ClassCastException

Bonjour,L'envoi de mail fonctionnait au départ.Puis maintenant il me met cette erreur : 22:19:51,859 User:admin ERROR [action.executer.MailActionExecuter] Failed to send email to user1org.springframework.mail.MailPreparationException: Could not prepa...

kiri31 by Champ in-the-making
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Searching documents in alfresco

I am trying to search for documents with particular keyword. I tried xpath but it would search only in the document names and not content. I tried Lucene but it would just return the node path and not the actual documents that contain the keywords.Fo...

pjain1 by Champ in-the-making
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Category display on Alfresco Share

Hi,Currently I am evaluting Alfresco 3.0 and I wanted to know how can i see the category list on Alfresco share UI.  I have added some category to the documents on the document libray but on the share UI am not able to see it.Can anyone help me , how...

kayan by Champ in-the-making
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Slow performance. Need Help!

Hello.We are using Alfresco 2.9B.There are 215 users(concurent about 100) and about 10000 documents at this time.How can we configure Tomcat and Oracle for the best performance?Thanks.

masofcon by Champ in-the-making
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trabajando con el SDK de Alfresco

buenas tardes..!! estoy empezando a trabajaar con alfresco a nivel de SDK con eclipse, me gustaria que personas que lo hayan hecho anteriormente, me manden post o cualquier informacion que me pueda ayudar a entender como funciona..estoy un poco en bl...

isarra by Champ in-the-making
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Se cierra la ventana al ver detalles

Hola!Hay un problema en Alfresco o al menos en el mio, version 3c-labsCuando hago click en "detalles" dentro de la ventana que se abre al pinchar en el globo con la "i" que sale al lado del nombre de un espacio/documento me sale una ventana del naveg...

dacedos by Champ in-the-making
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Alfreso corre sobre Windows Vista?

Hola a todos, ya lo he intentado todo pero no logro que alfresco labs 3.0 corra sobre mi computador. Tengo el JDK1.6 instalado y ya configuré la variable de entorno JAVA_HOME según lo especificado en temas anteriores. Este es el Alfresco.log:23:18:10...

fcaldera by Champ in-the-making
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Where's the 'advanced search' java codes resident?

In the alfresco explorer page, user enter "advanced search" page(advanced-search.jsp), when user click the search button, the back will call method:      ……      // set the Search Context ont...

jointech by Champ in-the-making
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WCM Form XML Content

Is there any way to get access to the XML Content from a WCM Form in a manner similiar to what is described here:!

rdifrango by Champ in-the-making
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