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Forum Posts

Comenzando con Alfresco

Hola a todos,partiendo por el principio, he trabajado siempre en Gestión Documental, y esta vez me asignaron conocer, implementar y crear un sitio con Alfresco  :roll:   :cry: , asi que reconozco que estoy en pañales. Bueno, les cuento, bajé primeram...

paulina by Champ in-the-making
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Notificaciones via Email

Estiamados:junto con saludar solicito su ayuda en un tema viejo, notificaciones vía email, sucede que configuro mi archivo y le doy mis parámetros al final del archivo para el smtp

psantis by Confirmed Champ
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Editar Documentos con OpenOffice

Buenas a todos y felicitaros por el gran mantenimiento que estáis llevando de este foro.Quería preguntar si, al igual que con los documentos de Microsoft Office, se pueden editar de alguna forma documentos de OpenOffice que esten en el repositorio de...

durdy48 by Champ in-the-making
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Guest Download - 403

Hi all, I'm having a trouble when I try to downlaod a content from alfresco with guest access.I'm using the GuestDownlodServlet..this is an example of the URL of the content that I want to download:http://localhost:8080/alfresco/guestDownload/attach...

How to incorporate jbpm in Alfresco

Hi,I have Alfresco 2.0 + Jboss.I need to define workflows & make it work on alfresco but not getting how to include or install jbpm in Alfresco?Can anyone help me.Thank You,Regards,Lalit

Command line deployments?

I'm looking for a way to automate my deployments of my entire web application.  Currently, I'm using the standard deploy feature, but this means that I have to actually "press the button".  I'm attempting to setup automated "nightly builds" with full...

pconnors by Champ in-the-making
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Unable to update a document

Hi all,I have created a space and invited User B to that space and assigned Editor rights to User B. I logged into Alfresco as User B and User B updated a document with another document in that space. After updation,User B opened the document,it is s...

maha by Champ in-the-making
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r:property tag : the renderer is not convenient

Hello,When I just try to display a property of a node, I though about the rroperty tag that do it.But calling it like this :<rropertySheetGrid id="manager-props"      value="#{MscRedacteurUsersWizard.managerRef}" var="managerProps"      columns="1" m...

zomurn by Champ in-the-making
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Dynamic models - one more question

Hi,I have been trying to grab how dynamic models work under Alfresco. And before the question is asked, here is the answer: yes, I did read the wiki page at I understood is that dynamic models are sup...

amenel by Champ in-the-making
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Test Development Server Help!!!!!

Hi.  I need help implementing my Test Development Server for in-context virtualization previewing of content for Enterprise verion 3.1.Currently I am trying to configure the preview icon.  The user deploys his changes so at this point he has a specif...

dlsap by Champ in-the-making
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