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Accessing alfresco repository from custom java application

Hello all,I am confused of diiferent types of API available for Alfresco.I have been given a task to develop sample java web application which shows login page.After login to alfresco repository using Alfresco user/password I have to diaplay one page...

nikes by Champ on-the-rise
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Master list implementation

Hello folks,I have a requirement to maitain master list for eg., Country,State,City etc..I want a feature where user can enter new state,City,Country,Client name,Project Name etc in a custom table in alfresco database.How can I display user interface...

nikes by Champ on-the-rise
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añadir detalles a un documento

Buenas, os cuento lo que necesito hacer, a alfresco voy a meter documentos scaneados mediante webdav a un espacio general, en el que voy a poner una regla que ejecute un workflow hacia la persona que despues irá repartiendo, reasignando,  el flujo a ...

giorgio by Champ in-the-making
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Front the Alfresco Tomcat instance with Apache httpd

Hi,I am wondering if anyone here has done the following in production:Front Tomcat instance with Apache httpd  which physically runs on another machine.I am looking at this as a way to run reverse proxy and to put the httpd instance inthe DMZ.I have ...

hongbo by Champ in-the-making
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Resource in Reassign Workflow ?

In process, User reviced a new task after reassign to orther user, Orther user reviced this task but resource for that task not show.I check in file : protected String finishImpl(FacesContext context, String outcome)         t...

vinaxwater by Champ in-the-making
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Slightly confused about....

a couple of thingsI am using the labs version and have managed to get it up and running.Firstly, I am confused about some of the documentation with regards to the fuctionality of Alfresco.This states that I can have Wikis, blogs and a calender but I ...

Donde estan los ficheros ?

Hola.Es mi primera toma de contacto con Alfresco.(lo he instalado hoy)Tengo una duda.Donde se almacenan los ficheros que se suben ??Se pueden acceder directamente por directorio ?Es que me interesaria integrar mis carpetas ya creadas con sus document...

tecnicosht by Champ in-the-making
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[Resolu]Installation AlfrescoLabs sur openSUSE enterprise

Bonjour,Je suis étudiant en informatique.Je ne m'y connais absolument pas dans les systèmes Linux et encore moins OpenSUSE.Ne trouvant pas openSUSE très attrayant, j'ai installé Debian sur ma machine personnel pour me mettre à Linux.Mon problème ans ...

aaudran by Champ in-the-making
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How can i send emails to the people in the group?

Hello all.    I have been testing Alfresco and loving it very much. However i havent been able to found a way to send an email to the people in the site. what im looking for is for a way to send emails at will. Is there a way to achieve this easily?

bruyeria by Champ in-the-making
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