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Forum Posts

capacité maximale de la base de donnée d'alfresco

bonjour,je veux savoir si c'est possible qu'elle est la capacité maximale de la base de donnée d'alfresco (combien de documents je peux stocker dans alfresco)sachant que j'ai installer la version community.(lab3 stable)Merci

lydia_5165 by Champ on-the-rise
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win32 Netbios error for CIFS

15:35:58,390 Userystem WARN  [remoting.rmi.RmiRegistryFactoryBean] Could not detect RMI registry - creating new one15:36:08,250 Userystem INFO  [domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] Schema managed by database dialect org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialec...

tonytony by Champ in-the-making
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web project problems

Hi thereI am a student, and therefore I don’t understand a lot of thing around WCM, but I have to learn it. So sorry for that question, but I don’t understand some things.1. I try to create a new web project. There are few steps in wizzard, but in th...

cslaci by Champ in-the-making
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Hint of the day #2 : Creating a Map or Seq. with Freemarker

This example enumerate all the associations of the root node "person".Each association value is a nodeRef to a node of type cmersonHence, this freemarker script list the usernames associated with the current person : allow to represent a human hierar...

zomurn by Champ in-the-making
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Instalação e configuração do Microsoft Office Add-ins

Caros Colegas,Necessito montar uma aplicação onde arquivos criados com o MS Word, através de macros, sejam armazenados numa pasta do Alfresco.Segui as instruções do "Installing and Configuring Alfresco ECM Version 3.0" e me deparo com a necessidade b...

Violacao de Integridade User admin (Erro)

Ola, estou colocando documentos em uma pasta do alfresco atraves de um formulario do Intalio e estou obtendo o seguinte erro de autenticacao:User: admin ERROR [node.integrity.IntegrityChecker ] Found 1 integrity violations:Invalid propertie value:Nod...

leandro by Champ in-the-making
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Email Archiving with EEM (Inovox)

Hi,We are planning to use EEM (inovox) along with Alfresco for Email Archiving. Can you send us the requirements & setup steps for setting this up.We have MS Exchange 2003 Server running on Windows 2003 Domain Server.Please send the details , how to ...

rnaidu by Champ in-the-making
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Modificacion proceso de importacion de usuarios

Hola a todos.Estoy intentando modificar la clase que se ocupa de la importacion de usuarios en Alfresco y tengo el siguiente problema:La clase que estoy modificando es El problema es que la libreri...

itughc by Champ in-the-making
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Redirect from post to get

Is it possible to have my redirect (server-side) to xxx.get.js and maintain all the properties set using ?What I'm talking about is the same idea as a forward using a servlet.I know you can redirect to custom status pages based ...

tfrith by Champ on-the-rise
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Create association between 2 nodes using GUID

I am stuck on a Javascript webscript that gets the GUID of a node and needs to create an association to another node.  Here's the scenario:A "design" is made up of several "art" files.  The webscript's intent is to create the "design" node and associ...

spdaly by Champ in-the-making
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