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Forum Posts

Company home folders in filepicker

Hi All,I am trying to refer to the folders inside company home from filepicker in my webform. Is there any configuration which makes filepicker point to company home instead of web project folder?Thanks,

Labs3 Stable multiple LDAP Chaining Configuration

I've tested authentication to a single LDAP server successfully but now I want to chain several Ldap servers together, I've been following the instructions from on "Chai...

rxm307 by Champ in-the-making
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Anyone using PSI:Capture instead of Kofax Capture?

Hi, I'm in the middle of setting up a new small business and I'm planning to use Alfresco for document management. I'm also looking at PSI:Capture as the document scanning platform since it looks it has similar features and reputation than Kofax Capt...

gcd by Champ in-the-making
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Kofax Release to Alfresco

I need to perform a PoC project to one of my clients, The project should capture, all backlog documents using Kofax Capture and release into Alfresco’s ECM.I have already managed to setup Both Kofax Capture and Alfresco ECM on one machine along with ...

mahafez by Champ in-the-making
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Problème avec dir.root

Bonjour,Je suis en train de me battre pour installer Alfresco labs en version 3.0 sur un Fedora 10. Maintenant mon système me fait une erreur lorsque je tente d'accéder à http://localhost:8080/alfresco.19:11:56,654 INFO  [org.alfresco.web.scripts.Dec...

alex_ch by Champ in-the-making
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wer leistet alfresco-Support auf Abruf ?

Hallo !Bereits seit einigen Tagen versuche ich Antworten auf ein paar Fragen zu bekommen, deren Beantwortung für mich als grundsätzliche Klärung eines möglichen Einsatzes von alfresco relevant sind (siehe hier im Forum).Bevor ich aktuell gefrustet al...

olafst by Champ in-the-making
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Could not connect to virtualization server

Hi Every One ,Im new to alfresco Lab3c .. while starting the alfresco server . iam getting an error could not connect to the virtual serverbut my both the server are starting[alfresco.mbeans.VirtServerRegistry] Could not connect to virtualization ser...

hari6 by Champ in-the-making
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Turn off features in a site

Hi, Is there a way to turn off/hide certain features in a Site? What i am looking for is something like this :    1. Users of Site A shouldn't be able to Blog.   2. Users of Site B shouldn't be able to use Calendar.   Is there a way to do it? Thank ...

Alfresco in Windows server 2003

Hi all,  Am installing Alfresco lab3c in Windows server 2003,  and am using Mysql5.1 ,jdk 1.5   After installing the Alfresco when i start the server there was some error regarding Memory management which i tried to solved it by changingset JAVA_OPTS...

goldy736 by Champ in-the-making
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Webinar - Alfresco Share

Neste seminário online,a Infused Solutions fará uma demonstração do Alfresco Share e mostrará como Share pode mudar a maneira que a sua equipe colabora.Descrição:Usuários querem a simplicidade e familiaridade das ferramentas usadas no dia a dia:Busca...

csaleh by Champ in-the-making
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