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Forum Posts

Alfresco findet MySQL server nicht

hallo,ich hab heute alfresco 3 installiert und auch mysql, benutze beides zum ersten hat bisher auch alles geklappt aber ich kann nicht auf http://localhost:8080/alfresco/ über meinen browser zugreifen.folgendes kommt als fehlermeldung:type St...

jpk by Champ in-the-making
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Show an action according to the custom role

Hi all!I have defined my own custom roles to link each user group to the corresponding authorization.There is a group that is only able to navigate and see content.There is another group that is only able to navigate and see content, and able to exec...

sergi_l by Champ on-the-rise
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Webdav et Login

Bonjour.j'utilise Alfresco v3.1 comme serveur documentaire.J'ai d'autres applications web a partir desquelle je souhaite afficher un document archivé via un lien webdavhttp://serveur:8080/alfresco/webdav/Docs/Qualité/P01.pdfcela marche très bien, mai...

delaruelle by Champ in-the-making
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règle envoi email envoie deux mails

Bonjour, j'ai configuré l'envoi de mail de notification ,j'ai modifié web-client-config-custom.xml et j'ai ensuite créer une règle dans Alfresco (pour les documents entrants). Lorsqu'un document est ajouté, un mail de no...

emily by Champ in-the-making
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Schema auto-update Failed

Hola,Tengo un problema con alfresco community 2.9b.  Hasta hace un par de días todo iba bien hasta que nos apareció este error:00:02:41,572 ERROR [org.alfresco.repo.domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] Schema auto-update failedorg.hibernate.exception.Gener...

RSS Dashlet from behind corporate firewall

Hi AllDoes anyone know how to configure Alfresco Share to use a web proxy when retrieving RSS feeds for the RSS dashlet?Our deployment is behind a firewall that requires outgoing HTTP connections to use a proxy server. Despite trying many different R...

andyp by Champ in-the-making
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Need Help on Running SDK FirstFoundationClient Project

Hi,I have downloaded the alfresco-labs-sdk-3a.1032 and configured that with the eclipse. And then i have also downloaded the Alfresco-Enterprise-3.1-Full-Setup and installed.I am able to login through the installed version and do things in it. Now i ...

ajaiking by Champ in-the-making
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