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Forum Posts

Carpeta de red compartida

Estimados,Una de las funcionalidades de alfresco es el comportamiento de "carpetas de red compartidas". Al momento de realizar la conexión a \\<NombreDelOrdenador>\a\alfresco me solicita clave. He ingresado la clave del adminitrador del equipo y no o...

dseco by Champ in-the-making
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advanced workflow

hiexcuse me for the stupid question but i'm a newbiei have a problem with advanced workflow1 why after the deplyment i cannot see my advanced workfow on alfresco rules?2 where i can find physically on the tomcat installation all the xml workflow defi...

Preview functions in Linux

I installed Alfresco in linux, but preview function are not available. That means  documents uploaded can't be previewed and thumbnails are not generated.There is REST API:http://<servername>:8080/alfresco/service/api/node/workspace/SpacesStore/<id>/...

kerby by Champ in-the-making
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Dos artículos sobre Alfresco en

Hola,Recientemente he publicado dos artículos sobre Alfresco en mi blog  y quería compartirlos con vosotros.-Digitalización, scanning y OCR con Alfresco: int...

Migracion a la ultima version de alfresco

Hola!eh trabajo con la vieja version de alfresco, ahora estoy en el proceso de la migracion a la ultima version de la misma, pereo veo que hay archivos que han cambiado tales como:authentication-services-context.xmlauthority-services-context.xmlEn es...

the-dinner by Champ in-the-making
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using Alfresco to manage scanned images

Hi,I'm looking for a image management solution for a client. Basically they are scanning contracts and invoices. They only OCR a small amount of information form each document for purposes of searching e.g. invoice number, contract number, date, cust...

mbrando by Champ in-the-making
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Deutsches Language Pack für Alfresco 3.2 Community

Hallo,Das deutsche Language Pack für Share liegt unter folgendem Link zum Download bereit: Augenblick ist das Paket für Share verfügbar und das Paket für den Alfresco Explorer wird diese Woche auch noch fer...

bwerner by Champ in-the-making
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Problem when Importing ACP file

Hi,I've exported a space of aprox 7GB from my repository. I did that using the Export functionality provided by Alfresco (version 3.0) and obtained an Alfresco Content Package file (acp).When trying to import it on a different instance of Alfresco (s...

ediez by Champ in-the-making
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Mejoramiento de experiencia

Hola!Tengo la sigueinte pregunta, en alfresco tengo esta forma para seleccionar archivos<r:contentSelector id="content-picker" value="#{WizardManager.bean.itemsToAdd}" styleClass="" />Y esta para seleccionar folder.<r:ajaxFolderSelector id="spaceSele...

the-dinner by Champ in-the-making
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How to get ServiceRegistry from a static method??

Hello,I need to access some foundation services (NodeService) from a static method in a Java class. How can I do it?? I can't find a way to do Spring dependency injection and access that "injected" bean from a static method.How can I do it?? Thanks.

eolith by Champ on-the-rise
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