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Installing on a Mac OS/X 10.5.5

I understand that it is possible to run Alfresco on a Mac, so I downloaded the install file yesterday:Alfresco-Labs-3c-Linux-x86-InstallI've created the /opt/Alfresco directory. The instructions say to just 'install' the above file. I'm not sure what...

Intallation Problem

I have installed the Alfresco 3.2 community edition , there are no errors.But when I click on the Alfresco start , it is not staring ie. the Tomcat window is closing without any error message displayed.Even checked in the tomcat/log directory, no log...

balaveer by Champ in-the-making
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Documento existe en un espacio javascript

Hola a todosde nuevo recurro pidiendo ayuda, en lo que seguramente sea una tontería, pero que a mi me tiene atascado.Veréis, quiero hacer una regla que ejecute un script que al mover un documento a un espacio, compruebe si en ese espacio ya existe un...

mrey by Champ in-the-making
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Can a property's type be a custom content type?

Can the property type of an aspect be a custom content type?  Something like this:<types>  <type name="abc:typePerson">     <property name="abc:userID">        <type>d:text</type>    </property>  </type></types><aspect name="abc:myAspect">  <p

Reminder before 6 months using lucene date range

Hello guys,I am having a custom property for passport expiry date. "customassport_end_date".I am writing a scheduled action that searches the full repository and find passport documents which will expire after six months.I have written following date...

nikes by Champ on-the-rise
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500 Error running webscripts

Hello, I was running my webscripts (/alfresco/service/sample/upload) successfully till y'day.Suddenly, all wenscripts in <tomcat_home>\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\webscripts\org\alfresco\test are giving error I am getting               ...

lakshya by Champ in-the-making
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How to redirec to a specific folder from within a webscript

Hi,I am modifying the simple 'upload" webscript example so that it takes args which specify the place to put the file (path) and the filename itself. Users must authenticate themselves to use the script.  All are working fine. What I would like to do...

gtj by Champ in-the-making
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CIFS-Server nicht erreichbar

Hallo,ich habe ein Problem mit dem CIFS-Server. Ich bekomme keine Verbindung zu stande, bzw. kann mich nicht mal anmelden an dem Netzlaufwerk.Meine Konfiguration:Ich habe die file-servers-custom.xml entsprechend editiert und    <config evaluator="str...

stolle87 by Champ in-the-making
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