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Configurar servidor

BuenasEstoy empezando con el WCM de Alfresco. Me he instalado Alfresco Lab 3, y para empezar he seguido el manual "Getting Startted with Conten Manadement", que como primera visión del WCM me ha parecido buen guión.Tengo una duda a la hora de configu...

sthr by Champ in-the-making
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Best way to extend existing Share component?

Hello,We are extending existing Share components (e.g. dashlets) to make small changes to them. Yet, we have 2 questions about best practice (and upgradeability) here.1) If we make a small change to one of the files (e.g. only the .js or the .ftl), s...

toml by Champ in-the-making
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Independent url addressable webscripts in Share

Hi all,Is there any way to deploy webscripts in Share which are usable without any page or component context from share? I can deploy webscripts, but when i call their url i always get java.lang.NullPointerException   org.alfresco.web.scripts.Process...

kbonnet by Champ in-the-making
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Interface gráfica requerida p/ instalação

Bom dia caros, Iniciei o processo de instalação do Alfresco no Debian sem interface gráfica, mas ainda não concluir. Gostaria de saber se é necessária a interface gráfica para instalar o Alfresco?Fico grato!

stake by Champ in-the-making
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Emails Not Sent After Email Configuration

I set up my email to properly receive emails from alfresco. However the only way I am able to receive them is if I manually run an action to send an email or if I reapply rules to the current space. Background:I made a site called test and then in th...

blouro by Champ in-the-making
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Space Visibility using CIFS

Hi, I'm using Alfresco Enterprise 3.1.1Can we change visibility/hide folders/spaces to users or group of users when navigating throught CIFS?For example:  I created a new space and added some users to that space(with different access levels).When nav...

Share Source Code

All,How do I get access to the Alfresco Share Source Code.Any help would be great.Regards,

gmurphy by Champ on-the-rise
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how to add colour to the content properties

Hi team,I want o add the red color for some properties of confidential documents let us say if it is a confidential document then we need to add a kyword (which is already defined in the content model) named "confidential" in red color or some other ...

mialfresco by Champ in-the-making
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Node Creation doubt

Hi guys,I have a problem when i have to create a node. can i assign a uuid when i´m creating a node? i need to get the uuid of a node, delete it, and then create new content with that uuid.thanks!!!

igdolmo by Champ in-the-making
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Besoin d'un simple exemple de l'utilisation d'alfresco

Slt tout le monde, je suis débutant dans l'utilisation d'alfresco, je l'ai installé sous windows XP .Bon, mon probleme est : quelle est l'utilité d'alfresco? Comment l'utilisé?? j'ai besoin d'un exemple simple ou bien d'un tutoriel.Merci d'avance pou...

achraf19 by Champ in-the-making
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