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Forum Posts

mysql error

I am seeing an error that is not something I can see what is causing the error.Might someone have an idea?  Thanks19:28:39,335 ERROR [org.alfresco.repo.action.AsynchronousActionExecutionQueueImpl] Failed to execute asynchronous action: Action[ id=25d...

newmember by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco repository unique identifier

Can I get any Alfresco repository ID?It would be unique identifier for each Alfresco instance. If Server was moved from one machine to another this identifier would stay the same.

aleksander by Champ in-the-making
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Check for existing association with PHP API

Hi,Can anyone advise how I can check to see if an association already exists (using PHP API)I'm using code which works fine to add new associations ie$contentNode->addAssociation($nodeToBeAddedToAssociation, "associationName");But I'm not able to fir...

rob2020 by Champ in-the-making
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Set my own content model as default, when uploading files

I have created my own, Custom Content, (Drop down - "Type" under "General properties" when uploading data).But now, user must set "Custom content" type for every document, when uploading.And more - when uploading file through CIFS or WebDAV, document...

arnisraido by Champ in-the-making
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guest access in alfresco

I would share how I allow guest access in Alfresco through webscript. Below there are the operations to execute:- desc.xml files have to get <authentication>guest</authentication>- All documents must to be in guest home of Alfresco or in a other fold...

flashboss by Champ in-the-making
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Pb installation Alfresco 3.2

Bonjour,En installant alfresco 3.2 j'avait une erreur sur le port 3306, j'ai donc arrêté le service mysql pour pouvoir continuer l'install.J'ai donc démarrer Alfresco et lorsque que j'essai de me connecter à Alfresco j'ai l'erreur 404.Voici mon log :...

anne_2465 by Champ in-the-making
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Dictionary-Ordner gelöscht

Hallo Forum,ich habe nen Problem und zwar wurde das Verzeichniss dictionary gelöscht und nun kann Alfresco nicht mehr gestartet werden ich habe shon nen bissel rumgegoogled und auch schon was gefunden, komme jetzt aber nicht mehr recht weiter. Zu beg...

server section of web-client-config* doesnt seem to work

So, i have configured my the following proxy settings in 3.2 that i had in 3.0.  The client portion works, and an unposted "dashboards" section work, however the "server" section does not work…….Has the server config for the webclient moved or been c...

ofrxnz by Champ in-the-making
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Portal for Alfresco, Zimbra, SugarCRM...

Hello,I would like to create a page which centralise information about Alfresco, Zimbra, SugarCRM… a portal.It will show for example some portlets (task todo from Alfersco, email from Zimbra, Bugs in SugarCRM).Can someone give me some ideas about the...

dranakan by Champ on-the-rise
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Dashlet for Online Editor:

Hi,My users are in need of a dashlet where we can create, view and edit documents. They expect the documents to be in Word (*.doc) format. Is this acheivable ?In case I find some online editor (eg. FCKEditor), can I plug in that editor to my dashlet?...

sherrymax by Champ in-the-making
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