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Problems creating WebScript

Hi All,I´m following this tutorial : I have problems testing the webscripts…this is the error :    freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException - Expression folder is undefinedDoes anyo...

leonardo by Champ in-the-making
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usr:authorityContainer disappear. SOVLED

Hi guys, Today i try to upgrade Alfresco from my old version 3.0 to the new one community-3.2, and i found a problem during the bootstrapping of my customModel, the errors are focused in all association which have as target the usr:authorityContainer...

joksy by Champ in-the-making
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Create a rule with more than one 'simple workflow' ?

*** (My apologies to Alfresco for submitting a bug on this before checking and querying the user forums) ***I am having difficulty creating a workflow which should present two different action choices for moving documents to their final spaces. My sp...

cbhank by Champ in-the-making
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CIFS customization problem

Hallo,Ich teste gerade Alfresco 3.3 (3.2 tomcat full install + war-patch zu 3.3 - nightly fom 11.8.) und habe ein Problem einen weiteren CIFS share hinzuzufügen.Anscheinen werden bei mir weder die file-servers-custom.xml noch die file-servers.xml ein...

mfriedrich by Champ in-the-making
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Search Optimization

Is there any way to optimize the search engine in Share?Right now that is the biggest complaint from my users. They search for a document with text which is in the document title and they get a 3 page result with the actual document they are looking ...

urshah by Champ in-the-making
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Boa tarde,Estou a desenvolver um projecto académico com o alfresco e recentemente falaram-me da utilizaçao do lucene neste mesmo e que poderia enriquecer mais o projecto.Gostaria se possivel que me ajudassem na sua instalação bem como se me poderiam ...

Identification avec annuaire LDAP

Bonjour  Comme le titre l'annonce, je n'arrive pas à m'identifier à Alfresco avec mes identifiants de l'annuaire LDAP  ops: Malgré la consultation de nombreux posts abordant la question et des tests, je n'arrive pas à me connecter avec les identifia...

lomy by Champ in-the-making
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Constraints aus Custom Model in webscript darstellen

Hallo,ich benötige für ein Webscript alle custom constraints aus einem Content-Model.Mein Content-Model läuft auch schon und wenn ich in alfresco auf folgender Seite - …/alfresco/faces/jsp/dialog/container.jsp - ein neues Dokument hochlade, erscheine...


Hallo,ich wollte bei mir CIFS konfigurieren. Aber gibt eine Fehler zurück. Kann mir bitte jemand sagen, wie ich diesen Fehler beseitige. Fehler:CIFS Server configuration error, Invalid CIFS server bind.Danke,Enkhee

kutaa_6527 by Champ on-the-rise
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